Below is my code which just renames the file. What I'm trying to do is append the initials from the analyst (which are entered into G6) to the front of the file name. Right now when I run this, Excel is appending 14.4% onto the front of the file rather than my initials which are in cell G6. I've tried several different options including trying to declare G6 as a variable and all I've gotten was the 14.4% to come out as a decimal instead. I've set cell G6 as text format as well and I'm still getting this random decimal instead of the initials.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Any help much appreciated!
Below is my code which just renames the file. What I'm trying to do is append the initials from the analyst (which are entered into G6) to the front of the file name. Right now when I run this, Excel is appending 14.4% onto the front of the file rather than my initials which are in cell G6. I've tried several different options including trying to declare G6 as a variable and all I've gotten was the 14.4% to come out as a decimal instead. I've set cell G6 as text format as well and I'm still getting this random decimal instead of the initials.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
Sub iPrepApprFile()
' Prepare Approval File
' Copy and paste values in Tabs 6, 10, and 13 and delete extraneous rows
' Delete unneeded tabs
' Save as Approval File without macros
Dim WBName, WBPath, BaseName, NewName, EnterName As String
Dim NBeg, NEnd, Response As Integer
' Extract Job ID from Builder name
WBName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
WBPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
NBeg = InStr(1, WBName, "UMR")
NEnd = InStr(NBeg, WBName, " ")
BaseName = Mid(WBName, NBeg, NEnd - NBeg)
' Create new file name - "[JobID] Approval File.xlsx"
NewName = Sheets("Analysis").Range("G6").Text & " " & BaseName & " Approval File"
' Save as new file name, or allow user to enter name
Response = MsgBox("Save as " & NewName & "?", 3, NewName)
' 6 = Yes, 7 = No, Else is Cancel
Select Case Response
' If 6, exit Select and save as new file name
Case 6
' Get file name from user
Case 7
NewName = InputBox("Name to save as? ", "Save As")
' If Cancel, exit Sub
If NewName = "" Then Exit Sub
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
' Save with new file name
NewName = WBPath & "\" & NewName
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
NewName, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub
Any help much appreciated!