Hi all,
I'm looking to reference a ActiveX Check box in a module but can't seem to make this work. I have two checkboxes - "checkbox22" & "Checkbox23" . I have created a macro that will allow the user to send a snippet of a range on sheets"Templates"). The selected range is currently hidden unless the checkbox value is True. So once the user sends the email I looking to set the value of the checkbox back to false so that the range is hidden again. I cant use the forms control checkbox as I have created a private sub on the activeX checkboxes. Here's what I've tried (by the way, the email functions works perfectly It's just setting the checkbox value back to false);
Thanks in advance
I'm looking to reference a ActiveX Check box in a module but can't seem to make this work. I have two checkboxes - "checkbox22" & "Checkbox23" . I have created a macro that will allow the user to send a snippet of a range on sheets"Templates"). The selected range is currently hidden unless the checkbox value is True. So once the user sends the email I looking to set the value of the checkbox back to false so that the range is hidden again. I cant use the forms control checkbox as I have created a private sub on the activeX checkboxes. Here's what I've tried (by the way, the email functions works perfectly It's just setting the checkbox value back to false);
Sub email_Addition()
Dim Outlook As Object
Dim msg As Object
Set Outlook = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set msg = Outlook.createitem(0)
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Sheets("Templates").Range("A10:O10").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
msg.Subject = "Dealer Addition - "
msg.HTMLBody = "<p><font face='Calibri'>Hi,</p>" & _
"<p></p>" & _
"<span>Please can you add the below to the dealer tracker? </span>" & RangetoHTML(rng) & _
"<p></p>" & _
"<p>Thanks</p>" & _
'Option 1
CheckBox22 = False
CheckBox23 = False
'Option 2 - I've tried creating another macro & Private sub and calling them using the below methods
Application.Run "CheckBox_deselect"
Call .CheckBox_deselect
End Sub
Thanks in advance