Read through XML file


New Member
Jan 27, 2004
I have the following XML file I get from a XMLHttpRequest.responseText
the other examples I have seen dont seem to work on this layout. here is a portion of the xml file (XMLHttpRequest.responseText)
VBA Code:
<xml xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'
<s:Schema id='RowsetSchema'>
   <s:ElementType name='row' content='eltOnly' rs:CommandTimeout='30'>
      <s:AttributeType name='ows_ID' rs:name='ID' rs:number='1'>
         <s:datatype dt:type='i4' dt:maxLength='4' />
      <s:AttributeType name='ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New' rs:name='Tracking No New' rs:number='2'>
         <s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='512' />
      <s:AttributeType name='ows_Auto_ID' rs:name='Tracking No' rs:number='3'>
         <s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='512' />
      <s:AttributeType name='ows_Title' rs:name='Description' rs:number='4'>
         <s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='512' />
      <s:AttributeType name='ows_LinkTitleNoMenu' rs:name='Description' rs:number='5'>
         <s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='512' />
   <z:row ows_ID='11' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4506-ORDER' ows_Auto_ID='72-Order-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Order 7110.66 National Beacon Code Allocation Plan (NBCAP)' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 7110.66 National Beacon Code Allocation Plan (NBCAP)' />
   <z:row ows_ID='15' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4670-ORDER' ows_Auto_ID='22-Order-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Order 1600.2F- Classified National Security Information' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 1600.2F- Classified National Security Information' />
   <z:row ows_ID='16' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4543-ORDER' ows_Auto_ID='44-Order-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Order 8260.46 Departure Procedure (DP) Program' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 8260.46 Departure Procedure (DP) Program' />
   <z:row ows_ID='17' ows_Auto_ID='23-Order-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Order 8020.16 ATO Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 8020.16 ATO Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation' />
   <z:row ows_ID='18' ows_Auto_ID='75-Order-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Order 9550.7 Aviation Research Grants Program' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 9550.7 Aviation Research Grants Program' />
   <z:row ows_ID='19' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='84-DCP' ows_Auto_ID='24-DCP-2/13/2015' ows_Title='DCP 7110.65 2-3-8 Aircraft Equipment Suffix' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP 7110.65 2-3-8 Aircraft Equipment Suffix' />
   <z:row ows_ID='20' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4666-MEMO' ows_Auto_ID='33-Memo-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Memo Tower Data Link System (TDLS)' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Memo Tower Data Link System (TDLS)' />
   <z:row ows_ID='21' ows_Auto_ID='25-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='DCP 7210.3 2-6-7 Basic Watch' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP 7210.3 2-6-7 Basic Watch' />
   <z:row ows_ID='22' ows_Auto_ID='5-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='DCP 7110.65 2-1-14, 5-4-5, 5-4-6 Coordinate Use of Airspace, Transferring Controller, Receiving Controller Responsiblities' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP 7110.65 2-1-14, 5-4-5, 5-4-6 Coordinate Use of Airspace, Transferring Controller, Receiving Controller Responsiblities' />
   <z:row ows_ID='24' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4539-NOTICE' ows_Auto_ID='35-Notice-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Notice 3120.XX Traffic Management Coordinator Qualification Training' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Notice 3120.XX Traffic Management Coordinator Qualification Training' />
   <z:row ows_ID='26' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4540-ORDER' ows_Auto_ID='34-Order-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Order 1050.16A Implementation Guidelines for Storage Tank Systems' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 1050.16A Implementation Guidelines for Storage Tank Systems' />
   <z:row ows_ID='28' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4669-MEMO' ows_Auto_ID='2-Memo-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Memo Waiver 11-E-01A TMC Currency Cancelled' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Memo Waiver 11-E-01A TMC Currency Cancelled' />
   <z:row ows_ID='29' ows_Auto_ID='4-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='DCP 7110.10 9-7-1 Alaska 3 Airmet Table' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP 7110.10 9-7-1 Alaska 3 Airmet Table' />
   <z:row ows_ID='32' ows_Auto_ID='8-DCP-2/10/2015' ows_Title='DCP 7210.3 6-3-1, 17-2-4, 17-4-4 Center Weather Service Unit - Cancels Order 7210.38' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP 7210.3 6-3-1, 17-2-4, 17-4-4 Center Weather Service Unit - Cancels Order 7210.38' />
   <z:row ows_ID='33' ows_Auto_ID='9-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='DCP 7210.3 2-6-1 Watch Supervision (Top 5)' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP 7210.3 2-6-1 Watch Supervision (Top 5)' />
   <z:row ows_ID='34' ows_Auto_ID='10-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='DCP 7210.3 2-2-4 Duty Familiarization and the Transfer of Position Responsibility' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP 7210.3 2-2-4 Duty Familiarization and the Transfer of Position Responsibility' />
   <z:row ows_ID='36' ows_Auto_ID='13-Order-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Order 1050.1 Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 1050.1 Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures' />
   <z:row ows_ID='37' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4499-DCP' ows_Auto_ID='14-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Waiver Renewal 12-T-09A LAS 7110.65 3-9-8b1&amp;2 Intersecting Runways ADW' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Waiver Renewal 12-T-09A LAS 7110.65 3-9-8b1&amp;2 Intersecting Runways ADW' />
   <z:row ows_ID='38' ows_Auto_ID='15-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Waiver Renewal 11-T-16A SEA/BFI/S46 7110.65 7-2-1a Visual Separation' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Waiver Renewal 11-T-16A SEA/BFI/S46 7110.65 7-2-1a Visual Separation' />
   <z:row ows_ID='48' ows_Auto_ID='29-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Waiver Renewal 98-T-60H CLT 7110.65 5-8-3c Successive or Simultaneous Departures' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Waiver Renewal 98-T-60H CLT 7110.65 5-8-3c Successive or Simultaneous Departures' />
   <z:row ows_ID='50' ows_Auto_ID='31-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Waiver Renewal 99-T-47G PHL 7110.65 5-8-5b1 Instrument Landing System Approaches' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Waiver Renewal 99-T-47G PHL 7110.65 5-8-5b1 Instrument Landing System Approaches' />
   <z:row ows_ID='52' ows_Auto_ID='36-Notice-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Notice 7110.65 3-4-20 Runway Status Lights &amp; 7210.3 10-6-10 Runway Status Lights' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Notice 7110.65 3-4-20 Runway Status Lights &amp; 7210.3 10-6-10 Runway Status Lights' />
   <z:row ows_ID='54' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='99-' ows_Auto_ID='38-Order-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Order 7110.118A Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 7110.118A Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO)' />
   <z:row ows_ID='55' ows_Auto_ID='39-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Waiver Request AWO 7110.50B Recurring Air Show or Fly-In' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Waiver Request AWO 7110.50B Recurring Air Show or Fly-In' />
   <z:row ows_ID='56' ows_Auto_ID='40-Notice-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Notice 7110.663 4-5-7 Altitude Information (Time to Climb)' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Notice 7110.663 4-5-7 Altitude Information (Time to Climb)' />
   <z:row ows_ID='57' ows_Auto_ID='41-Notice-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Notice 7110.XXX 3-9-9 Non-Intersecting Converging Runway Operations (MIA)' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Notice 7110.XXX 3-9-9 Non-Intersecting Converging Runway Operations (MIA)' />
   <z:row ows_ID='58' ows_Auto_ID='42-Notice-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Notice 3-9-9 Non-Intersecting Converging Runway Operations (HNL)' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Notice 3-9-9 Non-Intersecting Converging Runway Operations (HNL)' />
   <z:row ows_ID='59' ows_Auto_ID='43-SRMDM-2/9/2015' ows_Title='SRMDM 1117- Muted HERT, 1110 - Beacon Code Display to Controllers, 1089 - SSD Rev F &amp; Subsystem Allocation in Doors, 1518 - Multiple Adapted Routings and Referred Messages, 1487 - ADS-B AT Specialist Alert Changes' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='SRMDM 1117- Muted HERT, 1110 - Beacon Code Display to Controllers, 1089 - SSD Rev F &amp; Subsystem Allocation in Doors, 1518 - Multiple Adapted Routings and Referred Messages, 1487 - ADS-B AT Specialist Alert Changes' />
   <z:row ows_ID='60' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='34-' ows_Auto_ID='45-Order-2/12/2015' ows_Title='Order 7230.8 LIMITED AVIATION WEATHER REPORTING STATIONS (LAWRS)' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Order 7230.8 LIMITED AVIATION WEATHER REPORTING STATIONS (LAWRS)' />
   <z:row ows_ID='61' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='127-NOTICE-4/7/2015' ows_Auto_ID='46-Notice-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Notice 7210.879 Interim Guidance in the Preparation of FAA Form 7230-4' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Notice 7210.879 Interim Guidance in the Preparation of FAA Form 7230-4' />
   <z:row ows_ID='62' ows_Auto_ID='47-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='DCP 7110.65 7-5-3 Separation' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP 7110.65 7-5-3 Separation' />
   <z:row ows_ID='63' ows_Auto_ID='48-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='DCP AIM 4-1-16 Safety Alerts ' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='DCP AIM 4-1-16 Safety Alerts ' />
   <z:row ows_ID='64' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4491-DCP' ows_Auto_ID='49-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Waiver Renewal 89-T-15H LAX 7110.65 5-8-3c Successive or Simul Depts' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Waiver Renewal 89-T-15H LAX 7110.65 5-8-3c Successive or Simul Depts' />
   <z:row ows_ID='65' ows_Auto_ID='50-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Waiver Renewal 04-T-16E DFW &amp; D10 7110.65 5-8-3 Successive Sumultaneous Departures' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Waiver Renewal 04-T-16E DFW &amp; D10 7110.65 5-8-3 Successive Sumultaneous Departures' />
   <z:row ows_ID='66' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4488-DCP' ows_Auto_ID='51-DCP-2/11/2015' ows_Title='Waiver Renewal 92-T-22H MCO-F11 7110.65 5-9-6a3 Parallel Dependent ILS Approach' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='Waiver Renewal 92-T-22H MCO-F11 7110.65 5-9-6a3 Parallel Dependent ILS Approach' />
     <z:row ows_ID='16244' ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New='4986-EXTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE REVIEW (ECR)' ows_Title='ECR Revised Draft JO 3000.22C Air Traffic Organization Technical Training Management ' ows_LinkTitleNoMenu='ECR Revised Draft JO 3000.22C Air Traffic Organization Technical Training Management ' />
Can anyone help me work through this Data. What I am trying to get is each line ows_ID and ows_Tracking_x0020_No_x0020_New and maybe the ows_Auto_ID, as well
For thoes interested I figured out the answer
VBA Code:
Sub GetDataFromXML()
Dim http As New XMLHTTP60, myUrl As String
Dim doc As MSXML2.DOMDocument60, xml As String, els, el
        myUrl = "{3C03F056-CA4D-49E4-AF32-E87160118098}&View={9F3DD759-27BE-480E-859E-A8328E13AE80}&RowLimit=0&RootFolder=%2fajv%2fhome%2fAJV%2d8%2fLists%2fCorrespondence%20Tracker"
        With http
            .Open "POST", myUrl, False
            xml = .responseText
        End With
        Set doc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
        'You must add any namespace(s) for any desired elements
        'Watch the formatting...
        doc.SetProperty "SelectionNamespaces", _
            "xmlns:ms='' " & _
            "xmlns:wfs='' " & _
            "xmlns:gml='' " & _
        doc.LoadXML xml
'        Set els = doc.SelectNodes("//ms:OWNERSHIP")
        Set els = doc.SelectNodes("//*")
        For Each el In els
            If el.nodeName = "z:row" Then
                Set atb = el.Attributes
                a = atb.Item(0).Text
                b = atb.Item(1).Text
                c = atb.Item(2).Text
               Debug.Print a & " --- " & b & " --- " & c
'                MsgBox atb.Item(0).Text & vbCrLf & atb.Item(1).Text & vbCrLf & atb.Item(2).Text
            End If
        Next el
Set doc = Nothing
Set els = Nothing
Set el = Nothing
Set atb = Nothing

End Sub
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