Hi, I’m using a User form with several Optionbutton’s to copy a specific range of 7 adjacent cells in a Row, into an active cell.
Once done, I wanted it to select the same active cell again.
Each Optionbutton on the Userform selects a different range to copy into the active cell.
The problem I’m having is that the copied range remains highlighted after running the macro and I can’t get it to select another cell on the sheet. I.e. make the sheet active again without manually clicking into another cell, which I’m trying to avoid. Currently, I’m just using the bottom line to try and activate cell “A1”, but it doesn’t respond!
Any help appreciated.
Once done, I wanted it to select the same active cell again.
Each Optionbutton on the Userform selects a different range to copy into the active cell.
If UserForm1.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range("A1").Select ‘ This line doesn’t work
End If
The problem I’m having is that the copied range remains highlighted after running the macro and I can’t get it to select another cell on the sheet. I.e. make the sheet active again without manually clicking into another cell, which I’m trying to avoid. Currently, I’m just using the bottom line to try and activate cell “A1”, but it doesn’t respond!
Any help appreciated.