My table's inputs include the date, the person for whom the data is for, and then various data values. Each of these values is cumulative & keeps climbing continuously upward. How can I add in a column that identifies the daily rate of change between the X most recent entries?
In the example above I use X = 3, so it's looking at the three most recent entries. The "Rate/Day over X Days" column is what I hope for the answer to be (assuming I didn't botch the manually-entered formulae for my example)
At its core I'm just trying to take "(GivenValue - ThirdRecentValue) / (GivenDate - ThirdRecentDate)", where Given refers to the date for that current row.
Of course the Given Date/Value are easy. But how can I find the Xth most recent date/value, where I'm finding the Xth entry before the given date?
I feel like there's an easy way to do this but I'm not yet figuring it out.
In the example above I use X = 3, so it's looking at the three most recent entries. The "Rate/Day over X Days" column is what I hope for the answer to be (assuming I didn't botch the manually-entered formulae for my example)
At its core I'm just trying to take "(GivenValue - ThirdRecentValue) / (GivenDate - ThirdRecentDate)", where Given refers to the date for that current row.
Of course the Given Date/Value are easy. But how can I find the Xth most recent date/value, where I'm finding the Xth entry before the given date?
I feel like there's an easy way to do this but I'm not yet figuring it out.