I have recently started using Excel and am trying to learn how to use all of the features (on my own for no better reason). I have actually started off by making little games or applications. One I wanted to work on is a Yahtzee card and dice roller. I have created the card with little problems (it auto populates scores for the most part). I tried to add a 5 dice roller on the bottom but ran into some problems. I am using the code =IF(E16=1,RANDBETWEEN(1,6),0). D16 is where I want to populate the first dice. I then created two buttons, one that puts a 1 in E16 (to generate a random 1-6 number in D16. And a button that puts a 0 in E16 to "clear" the dice. Seemed to work great. Then I added two more buttons and the code =IF(E17=2, RANDBETWEEN(1,6),0) to generate the second die. My problem is that it seems that if i hit either button to roll, it rolls both dice instead of just the one. I am trying to be able to roll 5 "dice" and keep certain ones and roll the rest (as per the rules of yahtzee). I am not entirely sure that this is possible but I thought I would ask just in case someone may know. Thanks!