I have the following code that works but I was wondering if anyone knows a quicker way to code it?
I have the following code that works but I was wondering if anyone knows a quicker way to code it?
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)'DAYS
If Target.Column = 3 Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range("C" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("C6").Value
Range("D" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("D6").Value
Range("E" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("E6").Value
Range("F" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("F6").Value
Range("G" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("G6").Value
Range("H" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("H6").Value
Range("I" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("I6").Value
Range("J" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("J6").Value
Range("K" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("K6").Value
Range("L" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("L6").Value
Range("M" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("M6").Value
Range("N" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("N6").Value
Range("O" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("O6").Value
Range("P" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("P6").Value
Range("Q" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("Q6").Value
Range("R" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("R6").Value
Range("AM" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("AM6").Value
Range("AN" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("AN6").Value
Range("AO" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("AO6").Value
Range("AP" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("AP6").Value
Range("AQ" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("AQ6").Value
Range("AR" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("AR6").Value
Range("AS" & Selection.Row).Value = Range("AS6").Value
Range("AV" & Selection.Row).Select
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub