Hi All,
I am trying to query csv files to extract some fields and filter the records and return the resulting recordset to a new csv file.
I have adopted two sets of codes by finds it difficult to accomplish the above
Instead of copying the recordset to Excel Spreadsheet I only have limited choices as the resulting set will and potentially will be more than Excel row limit (more than a million.
I will like the result saved in a new csv file like this
How do I combined the above sets of code to achieve the objects thus set.
I am trying to query csv files to extract some fields and filter the records and return the resulting recordset to a new csv file.
I have adopted two sets of codes by finds it difficult to accomplish the above
Rich (BB code):
Sub GetMyCSVData()
Dim xlcon As ADODB.Connection
Dim xlrs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set xlcon = New ADODB.Connection
Set xlrs = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim currentDataFilePath As String
Dim currentDataFileName As String
Dim nextRow As Integer
currentDataFilePath = "C:\Users\hashi\Desktop\CSVFolderPivotTable\"
currentDataFileName = "MSQueryCurrent-7492298.csv"
strSQL = "SELECT `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.FAIN, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Fund, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Scope, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.ALI, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Project, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Activity, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.ResourceID, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Accounting, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.SystemSource, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Voucher, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.VendorName, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Invoice, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.`Invoice Date`, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.`PO Contract`, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.`PO#`, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.`ACT Amount`, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.RMBAmount, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.UTLAmount, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Type, `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Package" & _
"FROM `MSQueryCurrent-7492298.csv` `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`" & _
"WHERE (`MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.SystemSource='BAP') OR (`MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.FAIN Like '%DC-*%') OR (`MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.SystemSource='BGL') OR (`MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.FAIN Like '%DC-*%') OR (`MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.SystemSource='BTL') OR (`MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.FAIN Like '%DC-*%')" & _
"ORDER BY `MSQueryCurrent-7492298`.Accounting" & ";"
xlcon.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
xlcon.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & currentDataFilePath & ";" & "Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited;"""
xlrs.Open strSQL
nextRow = Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(nextRow, 1).CopyFromRecordset xlrs
Set xlrs = Nothing
Set xlcon = Nothing
End Sub
Instead of copying the recordset to Excel Spreadsheet I only have limited choices as the resulting set will and potentially will be more than Excel row limit (more than a million.
I will like the result saved in a new csv file like this
Rich (BB code):
Sub CSVFile()
Dim strPath As String
Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim StrData As String
Dim StrHeader As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim Fld As Variant
strPath = "C:\Users\hashi\Desktop\File\ZalexCorp Restaurant Equipment and Supply.accdb"
Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Data Source=" & strPath & ";"
Conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
strSQL = "Select Customer_Name, Address, State, City FROM Dim_Customers"
Set rst = Conn.Execute(CommandText:=strSQL, Options:=adCmdText)
'save the recordset as a tab-delimited file
StrData = rst.GetString(StringFormat:=adClipString, ColumnDelimeter:=",", RowDelimeter:=vbCr, nullexpr:=vbNullString)
For Each Fld In rst.Fields
StrHeader = StrHeader + Fld.Name & vbTab
Open "C:\Users\hashi\Desktop\File\MyFile.csv" For Output As #1
Print #1 , StrHeader
Print #1 , StrData
Close #1
Set rst = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing
End Sub
How do I combined the above sets of code to achieve the objects thus set.
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