What is the best way to implement VBA code to query multiple spreadsheets in a directory, pulling data from specific cells into a new spreadsheet, and ensuring all spreadsheets in that directory are included in the query?
Where I work we have a huge amount of test data in .xls format, hundreds of identically formatted spreadsheets in each folder for a specific test. I need to import specific cells from each spreadsheet into a new spreadsheet for trends analysis.
Currenty using Excel 2003, will be migrating to 2007 later this year.
Any help would be greatly apprecieated.
Where I work we have a huge amount of test data in .xls format, hundreds of identically formatted spreadsheets in each folder for a specific test. I need to import specific cells from each spreadsheet into a new spreadsheet for trends analysis.
Currenty using Excel 2003, will be migrating to 2007 later this year.
Any help would be greatly apprecieated.