Hello. I am needing to query AD for the Computer Name tied to a particular sAMAccountName, but cannot figure out how to do it. I know this has to be simple, but it escapes me.
I use the following function to pull other info by the sAMAccountName, but the "ComputerName" returns null. I've also tried "logonWorkstation", but returns null as well. Can anyone please help?
Hello. I am needing to query AD for the Computer Name tied to a particular sAMAccountName, but cannot figure out how to do it. I know this has to be simple, but it escapes me.
I use the following function to pull other info by the sAMAccountName, but the "ComputerName" returns null. I've also tried "logonWorkstation", but returns null as well. Can anyone please help?
Function GetInfoByRACF(ByVal racf As String, ByVal req As String) As String
Dim user
On Error Resume Next
Set rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
rs.ActiveConnection = "provider = adsdsoobject"
rs.Open "<LDAP://dc=xxxxxx,dc=com>;(samaccountname=" & racf & ");adspath;subtree"
If Not rs.EOF Then
Set user = GetObject(rs(0))
Select Case LCase(req)
Case "name"
GetInfoByRACF = user.get("displayname")
Case "phone"
GetInfoByRACF = user.get("telephonenumber")
Case "name2"
GetInfoByRACF = user.get("givenname")
Case "mgr"
GetInfoByRACF = user.get("extensionattribute8")
Case "cost_center"
GetInfoByRACF = user.get("departmentnumber")
Case "email"
GetInfoByRACF = user.get("msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress")
Case "comp"
GetInfoByRACF = user.get("ComputerName")
Case Else
GetInfoByRACF = ""
End Select
End If
Set rs = Nothing
End Function