Put amount in DEBIT,CREDIT columns based on matching part of item

Omran Y

Board Regular
Jul 17, 2023
Office Version
  1. 2013
  1. Windows
I have data for theses sheets

201/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank withdrawal Ref No 78903,000.00
302/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Cash withdrawal VCF NO 7890002,000.00
403/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Bank withdrawal Ref No 78911,200.00
504/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Cash withdrawal VCF NO 7890011,300.00
605/01/2024HamudaVN number 345670Futures purchases inv NO 234442,200.00
706/01/2024HamudaVN number 345671Cash withdrawal VCF NO 7890023,400.00
807/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures purchases inv NO 234453,500.00
908/01/2024AmeerVN number 345673Futures purchases inv NO 234462,000.00
1009/01/2024AmeerVN number 345674Futures purchases inv NO 234472,001.00

201/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank deposit Ref NO 78923,000.00
302/01/2024HameedVN number 345667Bank deposit Ref NO 78932,000.00
403/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Cash deposit VCF NO 7890031,200.00
504/01/2024HameedVN number 345669Cash deposit VCF NO 7890041,300.00
605/01/2024AhmedVN number 345670Futures Sales inv NO 234463,000.00
706/01/2024HameedVN number 345671Cash deposit VCF NO 7890052,000.00
807/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures Sales inv NO 234471,200.00
908/01/2024AneenVN number 345673Futures Sales inv NO 234481,201.00
1009/01/2024AneenVN number 345668Bank deposit Ref No 78942,000.00

201/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Cash deposit VCF NO 7890053,000.00
302/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Cash deposit VCF NO 7890062000
403/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Bank deposit Ref NO 78931200
504/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Bank deposit Ref NO 78941300
605/01/2024AhmedVN number 345670Bank deposit Ref NO 78952200
706/01/2024AhmedVN number 345671Futures Returns purchases inv NO 234463400
807/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures Returns purchases inv NO 234473500
908/01/2024HameedVN number 345673Futures Returns purchases inv NO 234483501
1009/01/2024HameedVN number 345674Futures Returns purchases inv NO 234493502
1110/01/2024HameedVN number 345675Futures Returns purchases inv NO 234503503
1211/01/2024HameedVN number 345676Futures Returns purchases inv NO 234513504
1312/01/2024AnanVN number 345677Futures Returns purchases inv NO 234522000

201/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank withdrawal Ref No 78923,000.00
302/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Bank withdrawal Ref No 78932,000.00
403/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Futures Sales Returns inv NO 234471,200.00
504/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Futures Sales Returns inv NO 234481,300.00
605/01/2024HamudaVN number 345670Futures Sales Returns inv NO 234493,000.00
706/01/2024HamudaVN number 345671Futures Sales Returns inv NO 234502,000.00
807/01/2024HamudaVN number 345672Futures Sales Returns inv NO 234511,200.00
908/01/2024amerVN number 345673Futures Sales Returns inv NO 234521,201.00
1009/01/2024AnanVN number 345674Futures Sales Returns inv NO 234532,000.00
1109/01/2024AmeerVN number 345675Futures purchases inv NO 234553000


what I want:
* brings the balances from BVC sheet first
* if the amount in BALANCE column for BVC sheet is positive then will put in DEBIT column .
* if the amount in BALANCE column for BVC sheet is minus then will put in CREDIT column and covert to positive value as in Hameed, Hamdaan, Manar names
* when brings the amount from BVC sheet then will first row for each name will subtract debit from credit , the next row for the same row will change formula until finish the name( see the first row for each name and the next how calculat)
* when brings the data for names first should sort based on on column A from old date and to last date for the same name ,second sort based names in column B
* if the amount in BALANCE column for BVC sheet contains zero and there is no existed then no need show
* there is new names in sheets and there is no existed at all in BVC sheet then will show
* when there are amounts in BALANCE column for BVC sheet then will brings the date and write in column C the sheet name with date is existed in column A for BVC sheet, PREVIOUS BALANCE in column D .
* when put amounts in column DEBIT,CREDIT depends on words in column D across sheets, then will put theses(Bank withdrawal, Cash withdrawal, Futures Returns purchases, Futures Sales) in DEBIT column, will put theses(Cash deposit, Bank deposit, Futures Sales Returns, Futures purchases ) in CREDIT column .
* based on point 8 will replace with items are existed across sheets(delete after items in point 8) .
* I want macro to implementation for 10000 rows for each sheet.

the result should be
231/12/2023AhmedBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE1,000.001,000.00
301/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank withdrawal3,000.004,000.00
401/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Cash deposit3,000.001,000.00
501/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank withdrawal3,000.004,000.00
602/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Bank withdrawal1,200.005,200.00
702/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Cash deposit2,000.003,200.00
802/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Bank withdrawal2,000.005,200.00
903/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Bank deposit1,200.004,000.00
1003/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Cash withdrawal2,000.006,000.00
1103/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Bank deposit1,200.004,800.00
1203/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Futures Sales Returns1,200.003,600.00
1304/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Bank deposit1,300.002,300.00
1404/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Cash withdrawal1,300.003,600.00
1504/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Bank deposit1,300.002,300.00
1604/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Futures Sales Returns1,300.001,000.00
1705/01/2024AhmedVN number 345670Bank deposit2,200.00-1,200.00
1805/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures purchases3,500.00-4,700.00
1905/01/2024AhmedVN number 345670Bank deposit2,200.00-6,900.00
2006/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank deposit3,000.00-9,900.00
2106/01/2024AhmedVN number 345671Futures Returns purchases3,400.00-6,500.00
2207/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Cash deposit1,200.00-7,700.00
2307/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures Returns purchases3,500.00-4,200.00
2408/01/2024AhmedVN number 345670Futures Sales3,000.00-1,200.00
2509/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures Sales1,200.000.00
2608/01/2024AmeerVN number 345673Futures purchases2,000.00-2,000.00
2709/01/2024AmeerVN number 345674Futures purchases2,001.00-4,001.00
2809/01/2024AmeerVN number 345675Futures purchases3,000.00-7,001.00
2908/01/2024amerVN number 345673Futures Sales Returns1,201.00-1,201.00
3009/01/2024AnanVN number 345674Futures Sales Returns2,000.00-2,000.00
3112/01/2024AnanVN number 345677Futures Returns purchases2,000.000.00
3208/01/2024AneenVN number 345673Futures Sales1,201.001,201.00
3309/01/2024AneenVN number 345668Bank deposit2,000.00-799.00
3431/12/2023HamdaanBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE2,000.00-2,000.00
3531/12/2023HameedBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE2,000.00-2,000.00
3602/01/2024HameedVN number 345667Bank deposit2,000.00-4,000.00
3704/01/2024HameedVN number 345669Cash deposit1,300.00-5,300.00
3806/01/2024HameedVN number 345671Cash deposit2,000.00-7,300.00
3908/01/2024HameedVN number 345673Futures Returns purchases3,501.00-3,799.00
4009/01/2024HameedVN number 345674Futures Returns purchases3,502.00-297.00
4110/01/2024HameedVN number 345675Futures Returns purchases3,503.003,206.00
4211/01/2024HameedVN number 345676Futures Returns purchases3,504.006,710.00
4331/12/2023HamudaBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE49,000.0049,000.00
4405/01/2024HamudaVN number 345670Futures purchases2,200.0046,800.00
4506/01/2024HamudaVN number 345671Cash withdrawal3,400.0050,200.00
4605/01/2024HamudaVN number 345670Futures Sales Returns3,000.0047,200.00
4706/01/2024HamudaVN number 345671Futures Sales Returns2,000.0045,200.00
4807/01/2024HamudaVN number 345672Futures Sales Returns1,200.0044,000.00
4931/12/2023ManarBVC OF DATE 31/12/2024PREVIOUS BALANCE1,000.00-1,000.00
Cell Formulas

I have the following doubts:
1. Are all the sheets?
2. The results sheet has 48 records, but on the sheets you only have 46 records, you have 3 more records in the name Ahmed.
3. Can you explain, using your example, what you mean by this:
* based on point 8 will replace with items are existed across sheets(delete after items in point 8) .

4. I am going to use the ACC sheet some columns, for example (AC to AI) to sort the data, then those data will be deleted, do you agree?
After the calculations the data will remain in column A to G.​

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I hope to hear from you soon.
Dante Amor
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Upvote 0
1. Are all the sheets?
2. The results sheet has 48 records, but on the sheets you only have 46 records, you have 3 more records in the name Ahmed.
that's right and sorry about it !
should just show based what I have in sheet . this mistake show because I change data for every time without I notice that.
4. I am going to use the ACC sheet some columns, for example (AC to AI) to sort the data, then those data will be deleted, do you agree?
Upvote 0
3. Can you explain, using your example, what you mean by this:
* based on point 8 will replace with items are existed across sheets(delete after items in point 8) .
👆👆👆You needed to explain it

Also, You should put the correct result in a post, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to verify the result of the macro.
Upvote 0
Check this.
Works with your example data, try the 10 thousand per sheet and comment.

VBA Code:
Sub Put_Amount_In_Debit_Credit()
  Dim sh As Worksheet
  Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, lr As Long, n As Long
  Dim arSh As Variant, itm As Variant, arrD As Variant, arrC As Variant
  Dim a As Variant, b As Variant
  Dim RegEx As Object
  Dim balance As Double
  Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
  arSh = Array("BVC", "SA", "VS", "AP", "SSC")
  For Each itm In arSh
    lr = lr + Sheets(itm).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row
  ReDim b(1 To lr, 1 To 7)
  'Add balance
  Set sh = Sheets(arSh(0))
  a = sh.Range("A2", sh.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(3)).Value2
  For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
    If a(i, 5) <> 0 Then
      k = k + 1
      b(k, 1) = a(i, 1)
      b(k, 2) = a(i, 2)
      b(k, 3) = "BVC OF DATE " & Format(a(i, 1), "dd/mm/yyyy")
      b(k, 4) = "PREVIOUS BALANCE"
      If a(i, 5) > 0 Then
        b(k, 5) = a(i, 5)
        b(k, 6) = a(i, 5) * -1
      End If
    End If
  'Add all sheets
  For n = 1 To UBound(arSh)
    Set sh = Sheets(arSh(n))
    a = sh.Range("A2", sh.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(3)).Value2
    For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
      k = k + 1
      For j = 1 To UBound(a, 2)
        b(k, j) = a(i, j)
        If j = 4 Then
          If Left(LCase(a(i, j)), 21) = LCase("Futures Sales Returns") Then
            b(k, j) = "C" & a(i, j)
          End If
        End If
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Range("A2:G" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
    Range("A2").Resize(UBound(b, 1), UBound(b, 2)).Value = b
    lr = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row
    With Range("A2:G" & lr)
      .Sort Range("B2"), xlAscending, Range("A2"), , xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
      a = .Value
    End With
    arrD = "@bank withdrawal|@cash withdrawal|@futures returns purchases|@futures sales"
    arrC = "@cash deposit|@bank deposit|@cfutures sales returns|@futures purchases"
    'added cfutures sales returns to differentiate from futures sales
    Set RegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    RegEx.Global = True
    RegEx.Pattern = arrD
    For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
      If a(i, 4) <> "PREVIOUS BALANCE" Then
        RegEx.Pattern = arrD
        If RegEx.Test("@" & LCase(a(i, 4))) = False Then
          RegEx.Pattern = arrC
          a(i, 6) = a(i, 5)
          a(i, 5) = ""
        End If
        s1 = RegEx.Replace("@" & LCase(a(i, 4)), "")
        s2 = Replace(a(i, 4), s1, "", , , vbTextCompare)
        a(i, 4) = s2
        If Left(a(i, 4), 2) = "CF" Then
          a(i, 4) = Mid(a(i, 4), 2)
        End If
      End If
      balance = balance + Val(a(i, 5)) - Val(a(i, 6))
      a(i, 7) = balance
    Range("A2").Resize(UBound(a, 1), UBound(a, 2)).Value = a
    Range("A:A").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
    Range("E:G").NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
    Range("A2:G" & lr).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Upvote 0
it's great!
but there is problem for the formula in first row for each name
see the result in OP for row 26 for Ameer name as in example:
I try to explain this
* when brings the amount from BVC sheet then will first row for each name will subtract debit from credit , the next row for the same row will change formula until finish the name( see the first row for each name and the next how calculat)
based on your code in row 23 this is what I got
231/12/2023AhmedBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE1,000.001,000.00
301/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank withdrawal3,000.004,000.00
401/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank deposit3,000.001,000.00
501/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Cash deposit3,000.00-2,000.00
601/01/2024AhmedVN number 345666Bank withdrawal3,000.001,000.00
702/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Cash withdrawal2,000.003,000.00
802/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Cash deposit2,000.001,000.00
902/01/2024AhmedVN number 345667Bank withdrawal2,000.003,000.00
1003/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Bank withdrawal1,200.004,200.00
1103/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Cash deposit1,200.003,000.00
1203/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Bank deposit1,200.001,800.00
1303/01/2024AhmedVN number 345668Futures Sales Returns1,200.00600.00
1404/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Cash withdrawal1,300.001,900.00
1504/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Bank deposit1,300.00600.00
1604/01/2024AhmedVN number 345669Futures Sales Returns1,300.00-700.00
1705/01/2024AhmedVN number 345670Futures Sales3,000.002,300.00
1805/01/2024AhmedVN number 345670Bank deposit2,200.00100.00
1906/01/2024AhmedVN number 345671Futures Returns purchases3,400.003,500.00
2007/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures purchases3,500.000.00
2107/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures Sales1,200.001,200.00
2207/01/2024AhmedVN number 345672Futures Returns purchases3,500.004,700.00
2308/01/2024AmeerVN number 345673Futures purchases2,000.002,700.00
2409/01/2024AmeerVN number 345674Futures purchases2,001.00699.00
2509/01/2024AmeerVN number 345675Futures purchases3,000.00-2,301.00
2608/01/2024amerVN number 345673Futures Sales Returns1,201.00-3,502.00
2709/01/2024AnanVN number 345674Futures Sales Returns2,000.00-5,502.00
2812/01/2024AnanVN number 345677Futures Returns purchases2,000.00-3,502.00
2908/01/2024AneenVN number 345673Futures Sales1,201.00-2,301.00
3009/01/2024AneenVN number 345668Bank deposit2,000.00-4,301.00
3131/12/2023HamdaanBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE2,000.00-6,301.00
3231/12/2023HameedBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE2,000.00-8,301.00
3302/01/2024HameedVN number 345667Bank deposit2,000.00-10,301.00
3404/01/2024HameedVN number 345669Cash deposit1,300.00-11,601.00
3506/01/2024HameedVN number 345671Cash deposit2,000.00-13,601.00
3608/01/2024HameedVN number 345673Futures Returns purchases3,501.00-10,100.00
3709/01/2024HameedVN number 345674Futures Returns purchases3,502.00-6,598.00
3810/01/2024HameedVN number 345675Futures Returns purchases3,503.00-3,095.00
3911/01/2024HameedVN number 345676Futures Returns purchases3,504.00409.00
4031/12/2023HamudaBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE49,000.0049,409.00
4105/01/2024HamudaVN number 345670Futures purchases2,200.0047,209.00
4205/01/2024HamudaVN number 345670Futures Sales Returns3,000.0044,209.00
4306/01/2024HamudaVN number 345671Cash withdrawal3,400.0047,609.00
4406/01/2024HamudaVN number 345671Futures Sales Returns2,000.0045,609.00
4507/01/2024HamudaVN number 345672Futures Sales Returns1,200.0044,409.00
4631/12/2023ManarBVC OF DATE 31/12/2023PREVIOUS BALANCE1,000.0043,409.00

it will cal incorrectly.

the right should be
2308/01/2024AmeerVN number 345673Futures purchases2,000.00-2,000.00
2409/01/2024AmeerVN number 345674Futures purchases2,001.00-4,001.00
2509/01/2024AmeerVN number 345675Futures purchases3,000.00-7,001.00
Cell Formulas
Upvote 0
Tested with +10,000 on each sheet finished in 4 seconds


VBA Code:
Sub Put_Amount_In_Debit_Credit()
  Dim sh As Worksheet, shA As Worksheet
  Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, lr As Long, n As Long
  Dim arSh As Variant, itm As Variant, arrD As Variant, arrC As Variant
  Dim a As Variant, b As Variant
  Dim RegEx As Object
  Dim balance As Double
  Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, ant As String
  arSh = Array("BVC", "SA", "VS", "AP", "SSC")
  For Each itm In arSh
    lr = lr + Sheets(itm).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row
  ReDim b(1 To lr, 1 To 7)
  'Add balance
  Set sh = Sheets(arSh(0))
  a = sh.Range("A2", sh.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(3)).Value2
  For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
    If a(i, 5) <> 0 Then
      k = k + 1
      b(k, 1) = a(i, 1)
      b(k, 2) = a(i, 2)
      b(k, 3) = "BVC OF DATE " & Format(a(i, 1), "dd/mm/yyyy")
      b(k, 4) = "PREVIOUS BALANCE"
      If a(i, 5) > 0 Then
        b(k, 5) = a(i, 5)
        b(k, 6) = a(i, 5) * -1
      End If
    End If
  'Add all sheets
  For n = 1 To UBound(arSh)
    Set sh = Sheets(arSh(n))
    a = sh.Range("A2", sh.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(3)).Value2
    For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
      k = k + 1
      For j = 1 To UBound(a, 2)
        b(k, j) = a(i, j)
        If j = 4 Then
          If Left(LCase(a(i, j)), 21) = LCase("Futures Sales Returns") Then
            b(k, j) = "C" & a(i, j)
          End If
        End If
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set shA = Sheets("ACC")
    shA.Range("A2:G" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
    shA.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(b, 1), UBound(b, 2)).Value = b
    lr = shA.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row
    With shA.Range("A2:G" & lr)
      .Sort shA.Range("B2"), xlAscending, shA.Range("A2"), , xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
      a = .Value
    End With
    arrD = "@bank withdrawal|@cash withdrawal|@futures returns purchases|@futures sales"
    arrC = "@cash deposit|@bank deposit|@cfutures sales returns|@futures purchases"
    'added cfutures sales returns to differentiate from futures sales
    Set RegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    RegEx.Global = True
    RegEx.Pattern = arrD
    For i = 1 To UBound(a, 1)
      RegEx.Pattern = arrD
      If RegEx.Test("@" & LCase(a(i, 4))) = True Then
        'a(i, 6) = ""
        RegEx.Pattern = arrC
        If RegEx.Test("@" & LCase(a(i, 4))) = True Then
          a(i, 6) = a(i, 5)
          a(i, 5) = ""
        End If
      End If
      s1 = RegEx.Replace("@" & LCase(a(i, 4)), "")
      s2 = Replace(a(i, 4), s1, "", , , vbTextCompare)
      a(i, 4) = s2
      If Left(a(i, 4), 2) = "CF" Then
        a(i, 4) = Mid(a(i, 4), 2)
      End If
      If a(i, 4) = "PREVIOUS BALANCE" Or ant <> LCase(a(i, 2)) Then balance = 0
      balance = balance + Val(a(i, 5)) - Val(a(i, 6))
      a(i, 7) = balance
      ant = LCase(a(i, 2))
    shA.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(a, 1), UBound(a, 2)).Value = a
    shA.Range("A:A").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
    shA.Range("E:G").NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
    shA.Range("A:G").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    shA.Range("A2:G" & lr).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Upvote 0
Tested with +10,000 on each sheet finished in 4 seconds
for me finished in 8 seconds !
I'm not sure if there is way to make it 2 second at least , what you think?
Upvote 0
what you think?

You are not asking for just one request, you have more than 10 requests for this thread.

And the output contains what you are asking for ;)

What you need is to change your computer, increase the memory or make your processor faster.

Upvote 0
you have more than 10 requests for this thread.
And the output contains what you are asking for
of course yes . (y)(y)
What you need is to change your computer, increase the memory or make your processor faster.
no, just I guess the code could reproduce to make better that's it.
anyway thank you so much.;)
Upvote 0

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