I got a worksheet with about 280 sheets
Each sheet that have a certain name needs to be converted and outputed as .html
To convert a single sheet goings well, but putting this on a loop seems like not so good, but i need to do it somehow. Im using Excel 2003.
So.. It works, but very slow. Any solutions to speed up this? SOmetimes when Excel is happy I can see some htm output but usally not at all!
I know the system of sheets for each item is very bad idea. But as it is not the sultion has to work.
I have runned the subrutine without the WITH statement, and all is fine. it hangs / not doing anything when its about to do the statement. Seems like the PublishObjects is a really resource hog.
Is there any way to "Reset" Publishobjects since it has a default index builtin e.g. Publishobjects(1), next is publishobject(2) as default as i think. But i need a Clear of the publishobjects after each iteration perhaps? Maybe then the memory wont eat up so much, or what do you think? if so, how to I reset the object?
I have never seen publishobjects used in a loop before since i came across this nasty solution.
Best regards
I got a worksheet with about 280 sheets
Each sheet that have a certain name needs to be converted and outputed as .html
To convert a single sheet goings well, but putting this on a loop seems like not so good, but i need to do it somehow. Im using Excel 2003.
Sub ExportToHTML ()
Dim Tempsheet As Worksheet
Dim thisName As string
Dim myRange As range
Dim outputName As String
Dim dataWs As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
set dataWs = worksheets("nameIdentifer")
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For i 2 To 100 Step 1
thisName = dataWs.Cells(i, 1)
Set thisSheet = Worksheets(thisName)
Set myRange = Intersect(thisSheet.UsedRange, thisSheet.range("A1:C10"))
outputName = i & ".htm" '1.htm, 2.htm etc
With ThisWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add(_
SourceType:=xlSourceRange, _
Filename:=outputName, _
Sheet:=myRange.Parent.Name, _
Source:=myRange.Address, _
.Publish (True)
.AutoRepublish = False
End With
Next i
End Sub
So.. It works, but very slow. Any solutions to speed up this? SOmetimes when Excel is happy I can see some htm output but usally not at all!
I know the system of sheets for each item is very bad idea. But as it is not the sultion has to work.
I have runned the subrutine without the WITH statement, and all is fine. it hangs / not doing anything when its about to do the statement. Seems like the PublishObjects is a really resource hog.
Is there any way to "Reset" Publishobjects since it has a default index builtin e.g. Publishobjects(1), next is publishobject(2) as default as i think. But i need a Clear of the publishobjects after each iteration perhaps? Maybe then the memory wont eat up so much, or what do you think? if so, how to I reset the object?
I have never seen publishobjects used in a loop before since i came across this nasty solution.
Best regards