Not sure if this is something that can be done, but I want to save a sheet as a web page while keeping any hidden column hidden.
At present, I have it saving as a web page, and auto publishing on each save, but it unhides columns which I have hidden.
Googled this for the last hour but once i enter column into my search term, all I get is macros on hide/unhide columns.
Appreciate any advice.
Thanks in advance
Not sure if this is something that can be done, but I want to save a sheet as a web page while keeping any hidden column hidden.
At present, I have it saving as a web page, and auto publishing on each save, but it unhides columns which I have hidden.
Googled this for the last hour but once i enter column into my search term, all I get is macros on hide/unhide columns.
Appreciate any advice.
Thanks in advance
