I have the following code in place to put in a comment when you double-click in the cell. The code seems to work fine; however, when I then click in the cell (after inserting a comment) and then up in the formula bar, the text goes away leaving the comment. Wondering if anyone can tell me why the text goes away with just these clicks...I haven't hit any other keys? I would like to add the comment, but not give the user the ability to delete the text in the cells. If I hit undo, then the text comes back. I thought cancel=true was supposed to prevent this?
'Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Excel.Range, Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Dim cmtText As String
Dim staffText As String
Dim goalText As String
Dim Pos As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim text As String
Dim lArea As Long
Dim TotalCommentLength As String
Dim cmtTextLength As Long
Dim NameLength As Long
Dim GoalLength As Long
Dim StaffLength As Long
Dim StartPos As Long
Sheets("Assignment Schedule").UnProtect Password:="XXX"
cmtText = InputBox("Please Enter 90 Day Plan(s):", "Goal Text")
staffText = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -3).Value
goalText = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value
If cmtText = "" Then Exit Sub
NameLength = Len(Application.UserName)
GoalLength = Len(goalText)
StaffLength = Len(staffText)
'include line feed at end of text to prevent format bleeding
cmtText = Format(Now, "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss ampm") & "-" & Application.UserName & "-" & staffText & " " & goalText & " " & vbCrLf & "STAFF 90day Plan:" & " " & cmtText & Chr(10)
cmtTextLength = Len(cmtText)
If Target.Comment Is Nothing Then
Target.AddComment text:=cmtText
Target.NoteText Chr(10) & cmtText, 99999
'Target.Comment.text Target.Comment.text & Chr(10) & cmtText
End If
'Auto size the comment area
With Target.Comment.Shape
.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
If .Width > 350 Then
lArea = .Width * .Height
.TextFrame.AutoSize = False
.Width = 350
' An adjustment factor of 0.8 seems to work ok.
.Height = (lArea / 350) * 0.9
End If
End With
'color the date and name text
TotalCommentLength = Len(Target.Comment.text)
StartPos = TotalCommentLength - cmtTextLength + 1
Target.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters(StartPos, 20).Font.ColorIndex = 1
Target.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters(StartPos + 21, NameLength).Font.ColorIndex = 3
Target.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters(StartPos + 21 + StaffLength + 1 + NameLength + 1).Font.ColorIndex = 46
Target.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters(StartPos + 21 + StaffLength + 1 + NameLength + 1, GoalLength + 1).Font.ColorIndex = 32
Sheets("Assignment Schedule").Protect Password:="XXX"
Cancel = True 'Remove this if you want to enter text in the cell after you add the comment
End Sub