Just FYI for anyone else who might need it -- to connect to Azure SQL, I created a separate initial form called 'fSQL' and on the open event of that form, ran the following code to test the connection and then if the test was successful, connected to SQL without using a DSN File -- this all works for us, provided the end user has the correct ODBC driver installed on their machine.
So on open, I call this subroutine --
Sub DSN()
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim txtDriver As String
Dim txtuid As String
Dim txtdb As String
Dim txtServer As String
Dim txtpwd As String
Dim sqlsql As String
Dim sqlrs As DAO.Recordset
'tSQL is a local table where I store all the pertinent info for the DSN Connection String
sqlsql = "SELECT * FROM tSQL WHERE ID = 1;"
Set sqlrs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sqlsql, 4, 512)
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs("qAnalyst")
txtDriver = sqlrs!Driver
txtuid = sqlrs!uid
txtdb = sqlrs!Database
txtServer = sqlrs!server
txtpwd = sqlrs!pwd
Set sqlrs = Nothing
'I pass the connection string info to another function which tests the connection and returns true or false to a public boolean 'SQLTEST'
Call CanOpenSQLDbLB(txtDriver, txtServer, txtdb, txtuid, txtpwd)
If SQLTEST = True Then
tdf.Connect = "DRIVER=" & txtDriver & "; " & _
"UID=" & txtuid & "; " & _
"PWD=" & txtpwd & "; " & _
"TrustServerCertificate=No; " & _
"Database=" & txtdb & "; " & _
"Trusted_Connection=No; " & _
"SERVER=" & txtServer & "; " & _
"TABLE=dbo.qAnalyst; " & _
"APP=Microsoft Office"
End If
End Sub
And this is the function to test the connection -- you would need a Microsoft Active X Reference
Function CanOpenSQLDbLB(pstrDriver As String, pstrServer As String, pstrDb As String, pstrUser As String, pstrPassword As String)
On Error GoTo CanOpenSQLDbLB_Err
Dim objConn As Object
Dim strConn As String
Dim strError As String, lngErr As Long
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConn = strConn & "DRIVER=" & pstrDriver
strConn = strConn & ";SERVER=" & pstrServer
strConn = strConn & ";APP=Microsoft Office"
strConn = strConn & ";DATABASE=" & pstrDb
strConn = strConn & ";UID=" & pstrUser
strConn = strConn & ";PWD=" & pstrPassword
strConn = strConn & ";TrustServerCertificate=No"
strConn = strConn & ";Trusted_Connection=No"
objConn.Open strConn
CanOpenSQLDbLB = True
On Error Resume Next
Set objConn = Nothing
Exit Function
CanOpenSQLDbLB = False
End Function