Hi All,
My Macro opens an excel file and I've to count the number of blank spaces for every filled column. I'm using CountBlank function for that.
But, the code fails at the countBlank line by saying Type Mismatch.
I've attached a snippet of the code below. Please tell me where I'm going wrong.
My code fails at the BlnkCnt part. I also tried assigning the two cell addresses in two variables and passing the variables to the range method. But there again, I get the error of Method Range of class _Global Failed.
What might be the error?
Thanks a lot in Advance!!
My Macro opens an excel file and I've to count the number of blank spaces for every filled column. I'm using CountBlank function for that.
But, the code fails at the countBlank line by saying Type Mismatch.
I've attached a snippet of the code below. Please tell me where I'm going wrong.
Sub Snippet_Code()
Dim apdata as excel.application, wbdata as workbook
set apdata = new excel.application
Set wbData = apData.Workbooks.Open(Filename:="ABCD.xlsx")
For colnum = 1 to 50 'Columns from 1 to 50
lrD = wbData.Sheets(1).Cells(wbData.Sheets(1).Rows.Count, colnum).End(xlUp).Row 'Find last row for every column
BlnkCnt = WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(wbData.Sheets(1).Range(Cells(1, colnum).Address, Cells(lrD, colnum).Address)) 'Find number of blank cells in the provided range
Next colnum
End Snippet_Code
My code fails at the BlnkCnt part. I also tried assigning the two cell addresses in two variables and passing the variables to the range method. But there again, I get the error of Method Range of class _Global Failed.
What might be the error?
Thanks a lot in Advance!!