Hi Guys,
I am struggeling with an anoying problem. I have made a userform in an Excelsheet. This form has 2 textboxes (one for date and one for time). The Date is allready filled in with the date of today. The user has to fill in the time and after hitting 'enter' the form saves automatictly date and time in the active cell on the excelsheet.
The form works fine but i am having a date problem. When the date is under 12, excel sees it as a month.
So if i use 15/03/2019 and 15:00, Excel writes down "15/03/2019 15:00"
If i use 10/03/2019 and 15:00, Excel writes down "03/10/2019 15:00"
Any suggestions?
I want to put an example document as attachment but i can't (don't see the option??). So this is the code for the textbox with the Time.
Hope for solution..
Thanks in advance
I am struggeling with an anoying problem. I have made a userform in an Excelsheet. This form has 2 textboxes (one for date and one for time). The Date is allready filled in with the date of today. The user has to fill in the time and after hitting 'enter' the form saves automatictly date and time in the active cell on the excelsheet.
The form works fine but i am having a date problem. When the date is under 12, excel sees it as a month.
So if i use 15/03/2019 and 15:00, Excel writes down "15/03/2019 15:00"
If i use 10/03/2019 and 15:00, Excel writes down "03/10/2019 15:00"
Any suggestions?
I want to put an example document as attachment but i can't (don't see the option??). So this is the code for the textbox with the Time.
Hope for solution..
Thanks in advance
Private Sub TextBoxTime_Afterupdate()
Dim tString As String
Dim sDate As Date
On Error GoTo ErrMsg
With TextBoxTime
If InStr(1, .Value, ":", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
tString = Format(.Value, "0000")
tString = Left(tString, 2) & ":" & Right(tString, 2)
TextBoxTime.Value = Format(TimeValue(tString), "hh:mm")
.Value = Format(.Value, "hh:mm")
End If
sDate = CDate(TextBoxDate.Value)
ActiveCell.Value = DateSerial(Year(sDate), Month(sDate), Day(sDate)) & " " & Format(TimeValue(TextBoxTime.Value), "hh:mm")
'***** I tried these also but same effect
'ActiveCell.Value = Me.TextBoxDate.Value & " " & Me.TextBoxTime.Value
'ActiveCell.Value = DateValue(TextBoxDate.Value) & " " & TimeValue(TextBoxTime.Value)
'ActiveCell.Value = TextBoxDate.Value
'ActiveCell.NumberFormat = CDate("dd-mm-yy hh:mm")
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Wrong Input"
TextBoxTime.Value = ""
End Sub