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- Jul 11, 2009
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Hi, Just looking for some help with this one. When the user clicks a cell, then the active cell is within the range of Column list in the Code below then it will open the a user form however at the moment when you click on any cell not in the list it opens the user form. If you take the NOT Out of [If Not intersect] and it still does work.
Not sure if this is the best way to do this type if thing?
Not sure if this is the best way to do this type if thing?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Cancel As Variant
On Error GoTo exitS
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G9:G372, J3:J372, M9:M372, P9:P372, S9:S372, V9:V372, Y9:Y372") _
, Range("AB9:AB372, AE3:AE372, AH9:AH372, AK9:AK372, AN9:AN372, AQ9:AQ372, AT9:AT372, AW9:AW372, AZ9:AZ372") _
, Range("BC9:BC372, BF3:BF372, BI9:BI372, BL9:BL372, BO9:BO372, BR9:BR372, BU9:BU372, BX9:BX372") _
, Range("CA9:CA372, CD3:CD372, CG9:CG372, CJ9:CJ372, CM9:CM372, CP9:CP372, CS9:CS372, CV9:CV372, CY9:CY372") _
, Range("DB9:DB372, DE3:DE372, DH9:DH372, DK9:DK372, DN9:DN372, DQ9:DQ372, DT9:DT372, DW9:DW372, DZ9:DZ372") _
, Range("EC9:EC372, EF3:EF372, EI9:EI372, EL9:EL372, EO9:EO372, ER9:ER372, EU9:EU372, EX9:EX372") _
, Range("FA9:FA372, FD3:FD372, FG9:FG372, FJ9:FJ372, FM9:FM372, FP9:FP372, FS9:FS372, FV9:FV372, FY9:FY372") _
, Range("GB9:GB372, GE3:GE372, GH9:GH372, GK9:GK372, GN9:GN372, GQ9:GQ372, GT9:GT372, GW9:GW372, GZ9:GZ372") _
, Range("HC9:HC372, HF3:HF372, HI9:HI372, HL9:HL372, HO9:HO372, HR9:HR372, HU9:HU372, HX9:HX372") _
, Range("IA9:IA372, ID3:ID372, IG9:IG372, IJ9:IJ372, IM9:IM372, IP9:IP372, IS9:IS372, IV9:IV372, IY9:IY372") _
, Range("JB9:JB372, JE3:JE372, JH9:JH372, JK9:JK372, JN9:JN372, JQ9:JQ372, JT9:JT372, JW9:JW372, JZ9:JZ372") _
, Range("KC9:KC372, KF3:KF372, KI9:KI372, KL9:KL372, KO9:KO372, KR9:KR372, KU9:KU372, KX9:KX372") _
, Range("LA9:LA372, LD9:LD372, LG9:LF372 , LJ9:LJ372, LM9:LM372, LP9:LP372"), Me.Range("LS9:LS372")) Is Nothing Then '
MsgBox "The active cell does NOT Intersect"
GoTo exitS
MsgBox "The active cell does Intersect"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub