I'm creating a spreadsheet to be used for calling in employees for after hours and weekend work. I have a master spreadsheet which lists all employees, along with their work center, job skill & contact information.
The call-in log is located in another workbook. There is a worksheet for each work center (geographic location) & I'm using MS query to pull the employee information from the master spreadsheet. I have added 2 additional columns to the call-in worksheet: accept/decline (when the employee is called, whether they take the work or not) and a date/time stamp. The date/time stamp auto populates when the accept/decline field is changed (using Worksheet_Change event). The date/time column is then sorted so that the person who was just called moves to the bottom of the call list.
This works great so far, until the query is refreshed (when a new person is added to the master list). The problem is the employee information refreshes (re-sorts in the master list order), but the accept/decline columns do not, so the call-in order is all messed up.
I need to be able to refresh the employee list (when new people are added or phone numbers change), but need to preserve the previous call-in order (for compliance to union contract). Any help would be appreciated.
The call-in log is located in another workbook. There is a worksheet for each work center (geographic location) & I'm using MS query to pull the employee information from the master spreadsheet. I have added 2 additional columns to the call-in worksheet: accept/decline (when the employee is called, whether they take the work or not) and a date/time stamp. The date/time stamp auto populates when the accept/decline field is changed (using Worksheet_Change event). The date/time column is then sorted so that the person who was just called moves to the bottom of the call list.
This works great so far, until the query is refreshed (when a new person is added to the master list). The problem is the employee information refreshes (re-sorts in the master list order), but the accept/decline columns do not, so the call-in order is all messed up.
I need to be able to refresh the employee list (when new people are added or phone numbers change), but need to preserve the previous call-in order (for compliance to union contract). Any help would be appreciated.