Hey, I got a code and have problems with resizing shapes.
The first 2 code lines are to resize, the last 2 codes to reposition. Repositioning works.
But resizing does the following: It automatically gives the shapes the size of the cell. I want it to use a predefined size however.
In Object Positioning I chose the last option (so it should be able to move around and resize totally freely)
Many thanks for help already
The first 2 code lines are to resize, the last 2 codes to reposition. Repositioning works.
But resizing does the following: It automatically gives the shapes the size of the cell. I want it to use a predefined size however.
In Object Positioning I chose the last option (so it should be able to move around and resize totally freely)
Public Sub DropdownResizeIndustries()Dim i As Long
Dim oShape As Shape
Dim oCell As Range
Dim oCell2 As Range
For i = 1 To 15
Set oShape = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Industry " & i)
Set oCell = ActiveSheet.Range("G26").Offset(i, 0)
[COLOR=#b22222][B] oShape.Height = 14.1732283465[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#b22222][B] oShape.Width = 235.842519685[/B][/COLOR]
oShape.Top = oCell.Top
oShape.Left = oCell.Left
Next i
End Sub
Many thanks for help already