I am trying to use the VBA .Path command below to capture the Folder after opening a file.
FileFldr = CurrmonthWB.path
What I am gettting is: (I've changed a couple of items to hide personal info)
"https://techinccom-my.sharepoint.com/personal/myname_techinc_com/Documents/Documents/Pre-Commission Project/2024 Monthly Files/2024-12 December"
If I use File Explorer to view that same network folder I get: (I've changed a couple of items to hide personal info)
C:\Users\myname\OneDrive - Tech, Inc\Documents\Pre-Commission Project\2024 Monthly Files\2024-12 December
If I allow the user to select the Default Folder and then store what they select I get the correct Folder information which is the second version (previous line)
Later in the program when I try to access that FileFldr (first version) I get an error message.
Any ideas on how to get it to capture the correct Folder information?
FileFldr = CurrmonthWB.path
What I am gettting is: (I've changed a couple of items to hide personal info)
"https://techinccom-my.sharepoint.com/personal/myname_techinc_com/Documents/Documents/Pre-Commission Project/2024 Monthly Files/2024-12 December"
If I use File Explorer to view that same network folder I get: (I've changed a couple of items to hide personal info)
C:\Users\myname\OneDrive - Tech, Inc\Documents\Pre-Commission Project\2024 Monthly Files\2024-12 December
If I allow the user to select the Default Folder and then store what they select I get the correct Folder information which is the second version (previous line)
Later in the program when I try to access that FileFldr (first version) I get an error message.
Any ideas on how to get it to capture the correct Folder information?