I have two sheets namely sheet1(employee) and sheet2(Earnings). In both sheets column A is identical (Empid). In sheet2(earnings) from colums(A) to G the data available. Column H to J I would go to calculate (D.A/HRA/TA) and column P is gross pay. In column V4 and V5 the rate of DA & HRA is respectively.
DA & HRA will be calculated based on column G (New Basic Pay) of sheet2(Earnings). TA will be calculated based on column H (Grade Pay) of Sheet1(Employee).
The procedure for TA calculation as follows.
If grade pay from 1800 To 1900 then
Sheet2(Earnings) column J= 900 + Round(900 * .cells(4, 22), 0)
If grade from 2000 To 4800 then
Sheet2(Earnings) column J = 1800 + Round(1800 * .cells(4, 22), 0)
If grade pay Is >= 5400
Sheet2(Earnings) column J = 3600 + Round(3600 * .cells(4, 22), 0).
I have a code below for reference, but when I execute the code its not working.
Kindly help please.
DA & HRA will be calculated based on column G (New Basic Pay) of sheet2(Earnings). TA will be calculated based on column H (Grade Pay) of Sheet1(Employee).
The procedure for TA calculation as follows.
If grade pay from 1800 To 1900 then
Sheet2(Earnings) column J= 900 + Round(900 * .cells(4, 22), 0)
If grade from 2000 To 4800 then
Sheet2(Earnings) column J = 1800 + Round(1800 * .cells(4, 22), 0)
If grade pay Is >= 5400
Sheet2(Earnings) column J = 3600 + Round(3600 * .cells(4, 22), 0).
I have a code below for reference, but when I execute the code its not working.
[/COLOR]Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, x As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim totalpay As Double
Set ws1 = Sheets("Employee")
Set ws2 = Sheets("Earnings")
With ws2
'Calculate D.A & H.R.A
For i = 2 To Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set x = ws1.Columns(1).Find(.cells(i, "A"), LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not x Is Nothing Then
.Range (cells(i, 8) = Round((.cells(i, 7) * .cells(4, 22)), 0))
.Range(cells(i, 9)) = Round((.cells(i, 7) * .cells(5, 22)), 0)
'Calculate TA
Select Case cells(x.Row, 8)
Case 1800 To 1900
.Range(cells(i, 10)) = 900 + Round(900 * .cells(4, 22), 0)
Case 2000 To 4800
.Range(cells(i, 10)) = 1800 + Round(1800 * .cells(4, 22), 0)
Case Is >= 5400
.Range(cells(i, 10)) = 3600 + Round(3600 * .cells(4, 22), 0)
End Select
totalpay = .Range(cells(i, 7) + .cells(i, 8) + .cells(i, 9) + .cells(i, 10) + .cells(i, 11) + .cells(i, 12) + .cells(i, 13) + .cells(i, 14) + .cells(i, 15))
.Range(cells(i, 16)) = totalpay
End If
Set x = Nothing
Next i
End With
Kindly help please.