i am creat a print & save button only & i have no knowledge to creat a vba in excel
"save & print the invoice in PDF format with invoice no & customer name and save the invoice in d:/invoice folder/Anil kumar 0001. PDF (My invoice print area:-B4:H54),(invoice no :- F7 COLUM),(customer name:- C14 COLUM)
My active printer is PDF995 on Ne00
I have a single excel sheet (invoice copy) which i want to print 3 copies
The invoice in the first page to be printed should be
"original for buyer"
The invoice in the second page to be printed should be
"Duplicate for seller"
The third page should be " Transporter's Copy"and so on"
How do i over come this problem
Can anyone help me
Thanks a ton in advance
sorry for disturbance please help us i have no vba & YOU HAVE SEND A VBA CODE 'your print code here' I AM
"save & print the invoice in PDF format with invoice no & customer name and save the invoice in d:/invoice folder/Anil kumar 0001. PDF (My invoice print area:-B4:H54),(invoice no :- F7 COLUM),(customer name:- C14 COLUM)
My active printer is PDF995 on Ne00
I have a single excel sheet (invoice copy) which i want to print 3 copies
The invoice in the first page to be printed should be
"original for buyer"
The invoice in the second page to be printed should be
"Duplicate for seller"
The third page should be " Transporter's Copy"and so on"
How do i over come this problem
Can anyone help me
Thanks a ton in advance
sorry for disturbance please help us i have no vba & YOU HAVE SEND A VBA CODE 'your print code here' I AM