I have an excel sheet which creates delivery notes. Every time a delivery note is printed, I want to track it in another sheet.
I have the following line of code linked to a button.
The problem is that the below macro runs when the sheet is printed using a BeforePrint. The macro only runs if a manual print is done but it breaks if I use the button.
The below is the code Im trying to run. It breaks on the line in blue.
Any help will be appreciated greatly as it will save a lot of time at work.
I have an excel sheet which creates delivery notes. Every time a delivery note is printed, I want to track it in another sheet.
I have the following line of code linked to a button.
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut copies:=5
The problem is that the below macro runs when the sheet is printed using a BeforePrint. The macro only runs if a manual print is done but it breaks if I use the button.
The below is the code Im trying to run. It breaks on the line in blue.
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
'Print only if Note filled in properly
If Range("B32").Value <> "" Or Range("Q2").Value <> "" Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox ("Please fill in Orginator box and the Consignment Note number!")
GoTo End1
End If
If Range("B32").Value <> "" Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox ("Please fill in the Orginator box!")
GoTo End1
End If
If Range("Q2").Value <> "" Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox ("Please fill in the Consignment Note number!")
GoTo End1
End If
'Printed Notes
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set a = ActiveSheet
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Jason.THESIMPSONS.001\Desktop\Printed Notes.xls"
j = 1
Workbooks("ASCO Consignment Note.xls").Activate
[COLOR=blue]Do Until IsEmpty(Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("A" & j)) 'Code Breaks Here.[/COLOR]
j = j + 1
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("A" & j).Value = a.Range("G7").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("B" & j).Value = a.Range("R33:U33").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("C" & j).Value = a.Range("R34:U34").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("D" & j).Value = a.Range("R35:U35").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("E" & j).Value = a.Range("R36:U36").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("F" & j).Value = Now()
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("G" & j).Value = a.Range("B32").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("H" & j).Value = a.Range("Q2").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("I" & j).Value = a.Range("G10").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("J" & j).Value = a.Range("G11").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("K" & j).Value = a.Range("G12").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("L" & j).Value = a.Range("L11").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("M" & j).Value = a.Range("L12").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("N" & j).Value = a.Range("Q11").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("O" & j).Value = a.Range("Q12").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("P" & j).Value = a.Range("G17").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("Q" & j).Value = a.Range("G18").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("R" & j).Value = a.Range("G19").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("S" & j).Value = a.Range("G20").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("T" & j).Value = a.Range("G21").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("U" & j).Value = a.Range("G22").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("V" & j).Value = a.Range("G23").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("W" & j).Value = a.Range("G24").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("X" & j).Value = a.Range("G25").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("Y" & j).Value = a.Range("G26").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("Z" & j).Value = a.Range("G27").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Sheets("Printed Notes").Range("AA" & j).Value = a.Range("G28").Value
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Save
Workbooks("Printed Notes.xls").Close
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Any help will be appreciated greatly as it will save a lot of time at work.