Hey all, I am new to vba coding and have been trying to figure this one out with no luck. I have an invoice registry workbook that we use to track expenses. I am trying to prevent duplicate invoices from being entered across different sheets. The top of my sheet has formulas that calculate the expenses entered. The expense entries start on row 209 of each sheet. There are 2 columns that I want to check when looking for a duplicate entry. One is a column that has a vendor name in it (column C) and the other is a column with an invoice number (column E). If just the invoice number is a duplicate I want it to warn the user that the invoice number exists in another location and tell them where and ask if this entry is correct. If both the invoice number and vendor name match then I want it to block them from entering it and it give them and error that this has already been entered. There are 12 sheets that need to be checked, they are (Feb, March, April, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan) from row 209 to the bottom of the sheet. Is there anyone that can help with this?