Due to some problems copy/paste causes if copying data from one cell with no conditional format to a cell containing conditional format... simple paste wipes out the destination's conditional format settings...
I'm trying to build a VBA macro that if trying to use "Paste" to change cell contents, on change, the macro would check for existing conditional formatting in the destination cell, and if destination cell contains conditional formatting, the macro would prevent normal "Paste" from working and change action to destination cell from "paste" to "paste values" so the value from the copied range would go into the destination, but the action would retain the conditional formatting already in the destination range.
How can I check whether the destination cell contains conditional formatting within my VBA macro?
Would like a way that will work in ALL versions of Excel from Excel 2000 through the newest version.
I'm trying to build a VBA macro that if trying to use "Paste" to change cell contents, on change, the macro would check for existing conditional formatting in the destination cell, and if destination cell contains conditional formatting, the macro would prevent normal "Paste" from working and change action to destination cell from "paste" to "paste values" so the value from the copied range would go into the destination, but the action would retain the conditional formatting already in the destination range.
How can I check whether the destination cell contains conditional formatting within my VBA macro?
Would like a way that will work in ALL versions of Excel from Excel 2000 through the newest version.