Not sure if this can be done but...<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
I am aware how to prevent duplicates in Excel but is there any way that Excel can prevent duplicates being selected from the Drop Down List Function?<o
Basically I have used the Data Validation Tool to create a Lookup List where the User can then select data items from the Drop Down List. What I would like to do is restrict the User from selecting the same item in the drop down list that has been selected previously.<o
I could obviously apply some Conditional Formatting on top of the list function to highlight duplicates but wondered if there was a more direct approach through the data validation option in Excel?<o


I am aware how to prevent duplicates in Excel but is there any way that Excel can prevent duplicates being selected from the Drop Down List Function?<o


Basically I have used the Data Validation Tool to create a Lookup List where the User can then select data items from the Drop Down List. What I would like to do is restrict the User from selecting the same item in the drop down list that has been selected previously.<o


I could obviously apply some Conditional Formatting on top of the list function to highlight duplicates but wondered if there was a more direct approach through the data validation option in Excel?<o