Dim s$
Sub PositionChart()
Dim vr, lastp$, rn%, i%, co As ChartObject
Set co = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("chart3") ' the chart
PageAddress2 0 ' get page addresses
vr = Split(s, vbLf)
lastp = vr(UBound(vr) - 1) ' last page
co.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(lastp)) = 0 Then ' last page is empty
co.Top = Range(lastp).Cells(1, 1).Top + 2
co.Left = Range(lastp).Cells(1, 1).Left + 2
co.Width = Range(vr(LBound(vr))).Width - 10
rn = Split(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Address, "$")(4) + Range(vr(LBound(vr))).Rows.count
Cells(rn, 1) = "create new page"
PageAddress2 0 ' update page addresses
vr = Split(s, vbLf)
For i = LBound(vr) To UBound(vr) ' get new page number
If Not Intersect(Cells(rn, 1), Range(vr(i))) Is Nothing Then Exit For
co.Top = Range(vr(i)).Cells(1, 1).Top + 2 ' position chart
co.Left = Range(vr(i)).Cells(1, 1).Left + 2
co.Width = Range(vr(i)).Width - 10
End If
End Sub
Sub PageAddress2(colorcode As Boolean)
Dim c%, v%, h%, cln%, rw%, hgth%, wth%, ws As Worksheet, i%, r As Range, pag()
Set ws = ActiveSheet
c = 1: s = ""
ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
ReDim Preserve pag(1 To (ws.VPageBreaks.count + 1) * (ws.HPageBreaks.count + 1)) 'all pages on that sheet
For v = 0 To ws.VPageBreaks.count
For h = 0 To ws.HPageBreaks.count
If v = ws.VPageBreaks.count Then
wth = ws.UsedRange.Columns(ws.UsedRange.Columns.count).Column
wth = ws.VPageBreaks(v + 1).Location.Column - 1
End If
If h = ws.HPageBreaks.count Then
hgth = ws.UsedRange.Rows(ws.UsedRange.Rows.count).Row
hgth = ws.HPageBreaks(h + 1).Location.Row - 1
End If
If v = 0 Then
cln = 1
cln = ws.VPageBreaks(v).Location.Column
End If
If h = 0 Then
rw = 1
rw = ws.HPageBreaks(h).Location.Row
End If
Set pag(c) = ws.Range(ws.Cells(rw, cln).Address & ":" & ws.Cells(hgth, wth).Address) ' page address
s = s & pag(c).Address & vbLf
If colorcode Then pag(c).Interior.Color = RGB(CInt(250 * Rnd), CInt(250 * Rnd), CInt(250 * Rnd))
c = c + 1
'MsgBox s ' all addresses
End Sub