If I even change a name of a query or something in the last step, the query refreshes all previous queries and it's very slow. Is there a way to stop this behavior that doesn't result in me just completely forgetting to refresh older ones? It's 3-4 minutes
I have a few joins which make things pretty slow. I tried to use Table.Buffer but I can't seem to find a good place to put it to improve things. Searches online are not helping me with proper placement of the Table.Buffer. Also, I am pulling from CSV or Excel files to build the PQ.
This is general because maybe there is a general fix, but I can provide more detail if necessary. This is the last query in the chain of queries. Thanks in advance.
If I even change a name of a query or something in the last step, the query refreshes all previous queries and it's very slow. Is there a way to stop this behavior that doesn't result in me just completely forgetting to refresh older ones? It's 3-4 minutes
I have a few joins which make things pretty slow. I tried to use Table.Buffer but I can't seem to find a good place to put it to improve things. Searches online are not helping me with proper placement of the Table.Buffer. Also, I am pulling from CSV or Excel files to build the PQ.
This is general because maybe there is a general fix, but I can provide more detail if necessary. This is the last query in the chain of queries. Thanks in advance.
Source = #"Join Pricing Data",
#"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(Source,{"Sales Invoice Number", "Invoice Actual Ship Date", "Invoiced Date", "Analytics Mfg Source", "Analytics Mfg Source Description", "Fill Code", "Product GL Class and Description", "Product Description", "Conversion Factor to GAL", "Conversion Factor to LB", "Sales Class Description", "BPA", "Net Invoiced Amount at Doc", "Net Invoiced Amount at AFX", "Ext Total STD Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Raw Material STD Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Packaging STD Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Warehouse STD Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Fixed Conversion STD Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Variable Conversion STD Cost at Document Rate", "Ext COSR STD Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Total Actual Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Raw Material Actual Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Packaging Actual Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Warehouse Actual Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Fixed Conversion Actual Cost at Document Rate", "Ext Variable Conversion Actual Cost at Document Rate", "Ext COSR Actual Cost at Document Rate", "Net Quantity", "Average Rate", "Budget Rate", "Local Exchange Rate", "Corp Exchange Rate", "Local Currency Code", "Document Currency Code","Product Number", "Ship To Customer GL Class", "Account Category Code", "Fiscal Year"}),
#"Pivoted Column" = Table.Pivot(#"Removed Columns", List.Distinct(#"Removed Columns"[#"Fiscal Month"]), "Fiscal Month", "Net Quantity in GAL", List.Sum),
#"Converted null volumes to 0" = Table.ReplaceValue(#"Pivoted Column",null,0,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"2017 / 01", "2017 / 02", "2017 / 03", "2017 / 04", "2017 / 05", "2017 / 06", "2017 / 07", "2017 / 08", "2017 / 09", "2017 / 10", "2017 / 11", "2017 / 12", "2018 / 01", "2018 / 02", "2018 / 03", "2018 / 04", "2018 / 05", "2018 / 06", "2018 / 07", "2018 / 08", "2018 / 09", "2018 / 10", "2018 / 11", "2018 / 12", "2019 / 01", "2019 / 02", "2019 / 03", "2019 / 04", "2019 / 05", "2019 / 06"}),
#"Temp Row for removing small Vol" = Table.AddColumn(#"Converted null volumes to 0", "TempColumnForRemovingSmallVolumes", each [#"2017 / 01"]+[#"2017 / 02"]+[#"2017 / 03"]+[#"2017 / 04"]+[#"2017 / 05"]+[#"2017 / 06"]+[#"2017 / 07"]+[#"2017 / 08"]+[#"2017 / 09"]+[#"2017 / 10"]+[#"2017 / 11"]+[#"2017 / 12"]+[#"2018 / 01"]+[#"2018 / 02"]+[#"2018 / 03"]+[#"2018 / 04"]+[#"2018 / 05"]+[#"2018 / 06"]+[#"2018 / 07"]+[#"2018 / 08"]+[#"2018 / 09"]+[#"2018 / 10"]+[#"2018 / 11"]+[#"2018 / 12"]+[#"2019 / 01"]+[#"2019 / 02"]+[#"2019 / 03"]+[#"2019 / 04"]+[#"2019 / 05"]),
#"Filtered TempRow for Gal less than 200" = Table.SelectRows(#"Temp Row for removing small Vol", each [TempColumnForRemovingSmallVolumes] > 200),
#"Added Repeating Region Code" = Table.AddColumn(#"Filtered TempRow for Gal less than 200", "RegionCode", each "NAPR"),
#"Added Repeating Currency Code" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Repeating Region Code", "CurrencyCode", each "USD"),
#"Added Repeating Calendar Basis" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Repeating Currency Code", "CalendarBasis", each "Fiscal"),
#"Added Repeating Tier Adder Holder" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Repeating Calendar Basis", "TierAdder", each 0),
#"Added Repeating Placeholder Cust Number" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Repeating Tier Adder Holder", "CustHold", each 0),
#"Reordered Columns" = Table.ReorderColumns(#"Added Repeating Placeholder Cust Number",{"ComboValue", "RegionCode", "Company Code", "Profit Center Code", "Ship-To Customer Number", "CustHold", "CustomerGroup", "Customer Name", "Ship To City", "Base Product Number", "FillType", "Base UOM", "CalendarBasis", "NewPrice", "TierAdder", "CurrencyCode", "2017 / 01", "2017 / 02", "2017 / 03", "2017 / 04", "2017 / 05", "2017 / 06", "2017 / 07", "2017 / 08", "2017 / 09", "2017 / 10", "2017 / 11", "2017 / 12", "2018 / 01", "2018 / 02", "2018 / 03", "2018 / 04", "2018 / 05", "2018 / 06", "2018 / 07", "2018 / 08", "2018 / 09", "2018 / 10", "2018 / 11", "2018 / 12", "2019 / 01", "2019 / 02", "2019 / 03", "2019 / 04", "2019 / 05", "2019 / 06", "TempColumnForRemovingSmallVolumes"}),
#"Removed Columns1" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Reordered Columns",{"FillTypeLetter", "TempColumnForRemovingSmallVolumes"})
#"Removed Columns1"