Excel Formula:
= 1 / (1 + (1 - u / m) * EXP(GAMMALN(m + 1) - m * LN(u) + u) * POISSON(m - 1, u, TRUE))
Was given as a great answer to an Erlang calculation in this thread ...
Summation Part of Erlang C Formula
I would like to use this in Power Query.
I'm using Office 365 and I am currently working on a tool for my work to calculate Erlang C.
Eric W's answer was great, but I'm hoping it or the formula (preferably the above because I need more than 170 calculated) above can be used in a Custom Column formula. I'm not familiar enough with Measures to use one in place of adding a formula.
I understand M language now has POISSON added to Power Query and PBI.
for shg, I suppose I'm not understanding where the "u", "m" or "LN" would be positioned in my PQ steps?
Any help is appreciated.
-- g
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