I want to connect 3 tables by Power Pivot and receive “Relationship may be needed?” .
1 with columns: Origin, total events
2 with columns: Origin, Deposits
3 with columns: Origin, total events
1. Second-Origin to First-Origin
2. Second-Origin to Third-Origin
By each Origin I have total events number(from table1), deposits number(from table2), and same value for all the origins (from table3).
Where is my mistake?
Thank you!
I want to connect 3 tables by Power Pivot and receive “Relationship may be needed?” .
1 with columns: Origin, total events
2 with columns: Origin, Deposits
3 with columns: Origin, total events
1. Second-Origin to First-Origin
2. Second-Origin to Third-Origin
By each Origin I have total events number(from table1), deposits number(from table2), and same value for all the origins (from table3).
Where is my mistake?
Thank you!