I found some posts elsewhere that had code for a goal that was similar in nature (i.e. things like selected ranges were being used) that I thought I could adapt. After spending an hour or more on this, I'm convinced that the .Top and .Left properties of cells are in different units than what the userform is using. Saying this because when I get the top and left of E17 and the form opens, and I check the form top and left properties, they are virtually the same numbers. However, the form is just left of E and above row 11. So far I have not been able to find what the units of measure are for top and left properties for cells and forms.
One trick I saw was to insert a short line at the cell border then use the shape (or was it OLEobject) properties to locate the coordinates, then use those, then delete the line. Seems like a hack to me and I'm not going there. I just thought I'd make you aware of the idea.
So if you can figure out what the units of measure are for cell top/left vs userforms then perhaps a fudge factor can be determined. OTOH, far simpler to open the form and move it with the mouse, given how complicated this seems to be.