Warm Greeting To all. I am New to This forum. I have a problem Regarding Excel VBA Form in Portable-2007, Please Guide Me.
I have created a Form in excel VBA that open one excel, get range of value then paste spacial value in master excal, Close previous excel without save and repeat same step for another excel.close all source excel and stay opened master excel.I have place a Browser for assigning the path.
When opening Portable 2007 Excel I enable the Marco.
I have tested many times, It runs perfectly, But sometime two different Errors shows.
1> When Click Browser Msg shows "Initializing Places" , and notresponding the excel.
2> When Browser passes without error and at final stage, Means after appended two excel, before closing source excel an error shows "Method'PasteSpecial' of Object "Range' Failed'.
(I have use last code to open the path folder)
Please check the code.
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
Workbooks.Open "LINE.dbf"
Workbooks("LINE.dbf").Sheets("LINE").Range("A2:A500").Copy _
Workbooks(Mynewname).Sheets("Block name").Range("C3:C500").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.DisplayAlerts = Flase
Workbooks("Line.dbf").Close False
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
Workbooks.Open "POINT.dbf"
Workbooks("POINT.dbf").Sheets("POINT").Range("A2:A500").Copy _
Workbooks(Mynewname).Sheets("Block name").Range("F3:F500").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks("Point.dbf").Close False
Shell "Explorer.exe /n,/e," & srcpath, vbNormalFocus
Any correction. Please Help me.
Thank You in advance.
Warm Greeting To all. I am New to This forum. I have a problem Regarding Excel VBA Form in Portable-2007, Please Guide Me.
I have created a Form in excel VBA that open one excel, get range of value then paste spacial value in master excal, Close previous excel without save and repeat same step for another excel.close all source excel and stay opened master excel.I have place a Browser for assigning the path.
When opening Portable 2007 Excel I enable the Marco.
I have tested many times, It runs perfectly, But sometime two different Errors shows.
1> When Click Browser Msg shows "Initializing Places" , and notresponding the excel.
2> When Browser passes without error and at final stage, Means after appended two excel, before closing source excel an error shows "Method'PasteSpecial' of Object "Range' Failed'.
(I have use last code to open the path folder)
Please check the code.
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
Workbooks.Open "LINE.dbf"
Workbooks("LINE.dbf").Sheets("LINE").Range("A2:A500").Copy _
Workbooks(Mynewname).Sheets("Block name").Range("C3:C500").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.DisplayAlerts = Flase
Workbooks("Line.dbf").Close False
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
Workbooks.Open "POINT.dbf"
Workbooks("POINT.dbf").Sheets("POINT").Range("A2:A500").Copy _
Workbooks(Mynewname).Sheets("Block name").Range("F3:F500").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks("Point.dbf").Close False
Shell "Explorer.exe /n,/e," & srcpath, vbNormalFocus
Any correction. Please Help me.
Thank You in advance.