Hi there,
I'm an average vba programmer (actualy a mathteacher and an exam manager at a k12 (kind off) school in the Netherlands).
And I'm realy stuck within vba with the following: I try to populate an userform listbox with pivotrow.pivotitems of a filtered pivottable. And I'm searching the web for three days now and can't find a solutiond.
Situation: I have an Excel workbook with several worksheets. A main sheet (kind of a daschboard where some selections can be made), a hidden lookup sheet and a student sheet (an excel table with student info). On the student sheet, students are assigned to courses and within are assigned to groups (because exam groups cant's be to big). On the hidden lookup sheet I defined a pivot table that shows the groupnames and the assinged studentnames depending on the selected course (from the main sheet). So far so good. Populating a listbox isn't a problem, but to retreve an array with groupnames from the pivotrows and an array with assigned studentnames from the pivottable is a problem...
Could anyone help me out with this?
Kind regards,
Eric-Jan Venema
I'm an average vba programmer (actualy a mathteacher and an exam manager at a k12 (kind off) school in the Netherlands).
And I'm realy stuck within vba with the following: I try to populate an userform listbox with pivotrow.pivotitems of a filtered pivottable. And I'm searching the web for three days now and can't find a solutiond.
Situation: I have an Excel workbook with several worksheets. A main sheet (kind of a daschboard where some selections can be made), a hidden lookup sheet and a student sheet (an excel table with student info). On the student sheet, students are assigned to courses and within are assigned to groups (because exam groups cant's be to big). On the hidden lookup sheet I defined a pivot table that shows the groupnames and the assinged studentnames depending on the selected course (from the main sheet). So far so good. Populating a listbox isn't a problem, but to retreve an array with groupnames from the pivotrows and an array with assigned studentnames from the pivottable is a problem...
Could anyone help me out with this?
Kind regards,
Eric-Jan Venema