I'm trying to make that if the point is selected the label will show.
but it's not working. the object doesn't work.
it work when i have set spoint = selection.
but if i have it like that i will get type missmatch all the time.
thx in advance
I'm trying to make that if the point is selected the label will show.
but it's not working. the object doesn't work.
it work when i have set spoint = selection.
but if i have it like that i will get type missmatch all the time.
sub test()
dim ch as chart
dim spoint as point
label1.visible = false
set ch = activechart.parent
if sPoint = Selection then
label1.visible = true
With Label1
.Left = ch.Chart.PlotArea.Left
.Top = ch.Chart.PlotArea.Top
.Height = 20
.Width = 20
End With
end if
end sub
thx in advance
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