Please professionals I need your help as I'm not well orriented with VBA complicated issues
I have found a good VBA code to search value across multiple sheets and adjusted it to be combitable with my workbook and it seems ok but unfortunately doesn't give me any results or even errors and I don't know what is the probelm. I use "test" sheet in the workbook to be my search sheets and the code module in the workbook is (Module 8)
herein below I shared a copy from my file including the code (Module 8) and also shared the video link that I found and it explain how the worde works in details
I'm sure this will help alot of excel users that are looking for the same issue as I have spend weeks looking for such code
this is the code
thank you in advance for your help
this is my file link
here is the viedo explaining how the code works
I have found a good VBA code to search value across multiple sheets and adjusted it to be combitable with my workbook and it seems ok but unfortunately doesn't give me any results or even errors and I don't know what is the probelm. I use "test" sheet in the workbook to be my search sheets and the code module in the workbook is (Module 8)
herein below I shared a copy from my file including the code (Module 8) and also shared the video link that I found and it explain how the worde works in details
I'm sure this will help alot of excel users that are looking for the same issue as I have spend weeks looking for such code
this is the code
VBA Code:
Sub SearchMultipleSheets()
Main_Sheet = "test"
Search_Cell = "B5"
SearchType_Cell = "C5"
Paste_Cell = "B9"
Searched_Sheets = Array("District1", "Carnell", "Ivory", "West", "GoldC", "KingsRange", "Amberville", "KingsRange2")
Searched_Ranges = Array("D:M", "D:M", , "D:M", "D:M", "D:M", "D:M", "D:M", "D:M")
Copy_Format = True
Last_Row = Sheets(Main_Sheet).Range(Paste_Cell).End(xlDown).Row
Last_Column = Sheets(Main_Sheet).Range(Paste_Cell).End(xlToRight).Column
Set Used_Range = Sheets(Main_Sheet).Range(Cells(Range(Paste_Cell).Row, Range(Paste_Cell).Column), Cells(Last_Row, Last_Column))
Value1 = Sheets(Main_Sheet).Range(Search_Cell).Value
Count = -1
If Sheets(Main_Sheet).Range(SearchType_Cell).Value = "Case-Sensitive" Then
Case_Sensitive = True
ElseIf Sheets(Main_Sheet).Range(SearchType_Cell).Value = "Case-Insensitive" Then
Case_Sensitive = False
MsgBox ("Choose a Search Type.")
Exit Sub
End If
For S = LBound(Searched_Sheets) To UBound(Searched_Sheets)
Set rng = Sheets(Searched_Sheets(S)).Range(Searched_Ranges(S))
For i = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
Value2 = rng.Cells(i, j).Value
If PartialMatch(Value1, Value2, Case_Sensitive) = True Then
Count = Count + 1
Set Paste_Range = Sheets(Main_Sheet).Cells(Range(Paste_Cell).Row + Count, Range(Paste_Cell).Column)
If Copy_Format = True Then
Paste_Range.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
Paste_Range.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
Next S
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Function PartialMatch(Value1, Value2, Case_Sensitive)
Matched = False
For i = 1 To Len(Value2)
If Case_Sensitive = True Then
If Mid(Value2, i, Len(Value1)) = Value1 Then
Matched = True
Exit For
End If
If Mid(LCase(Value2), i, Len(Value1)) = LCase(Value1) Then
Matched = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
PartialMatch = Matched
End Function
thank you in advance for your help
this is my file link

here is the viedo explaining how the code works