Hello everyone
I want to insert formula instead of values, using cell reference, by applying loop across columns. Actually the main problem is that I have both the number of rows and columns variable (i mean user input), hence as a result of that these three things, no. of rows, no. of columns and starting point(row wise)of the table are dependent on initial value( say x and y, given by user)
Therefore I can't use RC reference, As we can not use variables(here x and y) in RC reference (can't use R[x]C[y]), where as I can use Cells(x,y). I want to calculate square root of values given in two column (i.e. sqrt ((A(1,1)*B(1,1))^2 + (A(2,1)*B(2,1))^2 + ....... + (A(x,1)*B(x,1))^2 = B(x+2,1) (Say)
here in it I want to apply loop for other columns till it reaches to y
Please help me out and excuse me if it is a very simple or obvious question as I am new to VBA programing.
I want to insert formula instead of values, using cell reference, by applying loop across columns. Actually the main problem is that I have both the number of rows and columns variable (i mean user input), hence as a result of that these three things, no. of rows, no. of columns and starting point(row wise)of the table are dependent on initial value( say x and y, given by user)
Therefore I can't use RC reference, As we can not use variables(here x and y) in RC reference (can't use R[x]C[y]), where as I can use Cells(x,y). I want to calculate square root of values given in two column (i.e. sqrt ((A(1,1)*B(1,1))^2 + (A(2,1)*B(2,1))^2 + ....... + (A(x,1)*B(x,1))^2 = B(x+2,1) (Say)
here in it I want to apply loop for other columns till it reaches to y
Please help me out and excuse me if it is a very simple or obvious question as I am new to VBA programing.
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