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Sub Updateclok()<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com

' Updates the clock that's visible<o

Dim Clock As Chart<o

Set Clock = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects("ClockChart").Chart<o


If Clock.Parent.Visible Then<o


Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979<o

Dim CurrentSeries As Series<o

Dim s As Series<o

Dim x(1 To 2) As Variant<o

Dim v(1 To 2) As Variant<o


' Hour hand<o

Set CurrentSeries = Clock.SeriesCollection("HourHand")<o

x(1) = 0<o

x(2) = 0.5 * Sin((Hour(Time) + (Minute(Time) / 60)) * (2 * PI / 12))<o

v(1) = 0<o

v(2) = 0.5 * Cos((Hour(Time) + (Minute(Time) / 60)) * (2 * PI / 12))<o

CurrentSeries.XValues = x<o

CurrentSeries.Values = v<o


' Minute hand<o

Set CurrentSeries = Clock.SeriesCollection("MinuteHand")<o

x(1) = 0<o

x(2) = 0.8 * Sin((Minute(Time) + (Second(Time) / 60)) * (2 * PI / 60))<o

v(1) = 0<o

v(2) = 0.8 * Cos((Minute(Time) + (Second(Time) / 60)) * (2 * PI / 60))<o

CurrentSeries.XValues = x<o

CurrentSeries.Values = v<o


' Second hand<o

Set CurrentSeries = Clock.SeriesCollection("SecondHand")<o

x(1) = 0<o

x(2) = 0.85 * Sin(Second(Time) * (2 * PI / 60))<o

v(1) = 0<o

v(2) = 0.85 * Cos(Second(Time) * (2 * PI / 60))<o

CurrentSeries.XValues = x<o

CurrentSeries.Values = v<o



ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("DigitalClock").Value = CDbl(Time)<o

End If<o


' Set up the next event one second from now<o

NextTick = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")<o

Application.OnTime NextTick, "Updateclok"<o
