I have a pivot table created where I'm trying to copy the data from pivot table to another sheet. below is the snipper of the pivot data
Sheet where im trying to move the data
With the below code im only able to iterate through the first row of the data for each user and only first row for each user is getting copied, I want the macro to move to next phase of pivot for example phase 2 of pivot and then copy phase 2 in another sheet.
Request if anyone could help
Sheet where im trying to move the data
With the below code im only able to iterate through the first row of the data for each user and only first row for each user is getting copied, I want the macro to move to next phase of pivot for example phase 2 of pivot and then copy phase 2 in another sheet.
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub CreatePivotAndMoveData()
Dim wbTask As Workbook
Dim wsPivot As Worksheet, wsMercury As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim taskFileName As String
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
' Open Task Report file
taskFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*", Title:="Select Task Report File")
If taskFileName = "False" Then Exit Sub
Set wbTask = Workbooks.Open(taskFileName)
' Mercury sheet is already open
Set wsMercury = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
' Create a new Worksheet for the Pivot Table in the Task workbook
Set wsPivot = wbTask.Sheets.Add
wsPivot.name = "PivotSheet"
Dim lastCol As Long
Dim srcRange As Range
Dim srcSheet As Worksheet
Set srcSheet = wbTask.Sheets("Sheet1")
' Find the last row and column
lastRow = srcSheet.Cells(srcSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
lastCol = srcSheet.Cells(1, srcSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
' Define the data range
Set srcRange = srcSheet.Range(srcSheet.Cells(1, 1), srcSheet.Cells(lastRow, lastCol))
' Create PivotTable
wsPivot.PivotTableWizard _
SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
SourceData:=srcRange, _
TableDestination:=wsPivot.Range("A1"), _
' Setup pivot table fields
With wsPivot.PivotTables("PivotTable1")
.PivotFields("FirstName").Orientation = xlRowField
.PivotFields("Tags").Orientation = xlRowField
.PivotFields("Task Status").Orientation = xlColumnField
.PivotFields("Task Status").Position = 1
.PivotFields("Task Status").Orientation = xlDataField
.PivotFields("Tag group").Orientation = xlPageField
.PivotFields("Tag group").Position = 1
End With
' Loop through the different phases
Dim phases As Variant
phases = Array("Phase I", "Phase II", "Phase III", "Phase IV", "Phase V")
wsPivot.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Tag group").CurrentPage = "Phase"
' Create a Dictionary to map Pivot names to Mercury names
Set dict = CreateMappingDictionary()
' Call the subroutine to copy data
CopyPhaseToMercury wsPivot, wsMercury, dict
' Close workbooks
' wbTask.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
' Create a mapping dictionary
Function CreateMappingDictionary() As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
' Add your mappings here
Set CreateMappingDictionary = dict
End Function
' Find row in Mercury based on Name
Function FindRowInMercury(name As String, ws As Worksheet) As Long
Dim cell As Range
Set cell = ws.Range("B3:B100").Find(What:=name, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
If Not cell Is Nothing Then
FindRowInMercury = cell.row
FindRowInMercury = 0
End If
End Function
Sub CopyPhaseToMercury(ByRef wsPivot As Worksheet, ByRef wsMercury As Worksheet, ByVal dict As Scripting.Dictionary)
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim nameCell As Range
Dim mercuryName As String
Dim phaseName As String
Dim rowMercury As Long
Dim colComplete As String, colInProgress As String, colNotStarted As String
Dim currentUser As String
Dim lastUser As String
' Define the column mapping for each phase in Mercury
Dim phaseColumns As Scripting.Dictionary
Set phaseColumns = New Scripting.Dictionary
phaseColumns.Add "Phase I", Array("P", "Q", "R")
phaseColumns.Add "Phase II", Array("T", "U", "V")
phaseColumns.Add "Phase III", Array("X", "Y", "Z")
phaseColumns.Add "Phase IV", Array("AB", "AC", "AD")
phaseColumns.Add "Phase V", Array("AF", "AG", "AH")
lastRow = wsPivot.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
lastUser = ""
For Each nameCell In wsPivot.Range("A2:A" & lastRow)
currentUser = nameCell.Value
phaseName = nameCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
' Skip if the row doesn't contain a user and a phase
If currentUser = "" Or phaseName = "" Then
GoTo ContinueLoop
End If
If dict.Exists(currentUser) Then
mercuryName = dict.Item(currentUser)
mercuryName = ""
End If
If mercuryName <> "" Then
rowMercury = FindRowInMercury(mercuryName, wsMercury)
If rowMercury > 0 Then
If phaseColumns.Exists(phaseName) Then
colComplete = phaseColumns.Item(phaseName)(0)
colInProgress = phaseColumns.Item(phaseName)(1)
colNotStarted = phaseColumns.Item(phaseName)(2)
' Copy "Complete" value
wsMercury.Cells(rowMercury, colComplete).Value = nameCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
' Sum and copy "In Progress" and "In Review" values
wsMercury.Cells(rowMercury, colInProgress).Value = nameCell.Offset(0, 3).Value + nameCell.Offset(0, 4).Value
wsMercury.Cells(rowMercury, colNotStarted).Value = nameCell.Offset(0, 5).Value ' Open
End If
End If
End If
lastUser = currentUser
Next nameCell
End Sub
Request if anyone could help