I am looking to buid a Pivot Table of a transaction data set including the following data:</SPAN>
a) Transaction Date
b) Site Name - for Site A, B and C
c) Revenue - for each transaction
d) Location Square Feet (SF) - a static field for each property (see example)
e) Revenue/Square Feet (SF) - to be calculated (Total Revenue / SF for selected Site(s)
The sites and SF are, for example,
Site A - 1000 SF
Site B - 2000 SF
Site C - 3000 SF
Of course by default the Sum of “d” returns the cumulative SF for each transaction whereas I’d only want to show the static amount from my example above, as the values won’t change.</SPAN>
I have tried showing "d" as an Average in my Pivot, but need the Total of “d” to show my Actual Total (6,000) for the three Sites (not the average). I then want to then calculate "e" as c/d.
Any thoughts on how to best put this together would be appreciated.</SPAN>
I am looking to buid a Pivot Table of a transaction data set including the following data:</SPAN>
a) Transaction Date
b) Site Name - for Site A, B and C
c) Revenue - for each transaction
d) Location Square Feet (SF) - a static field for each property (see example)
e) Revenue/Square Feet (SF) - to be calculated (Total Revenue / SF for selected Site(s)
The sites and SF are, for example,
Site A - 1000 SF
Site B - 2000 SF
Site C - 3000 SF
Of course by default the Sum of “d” returns the cumulative SF for each transaction whereas I’d only want to show the static amount from my example above, as the values won’t change.</SPAN>
I have tried showing "d" as an Average in my Pivot, but need the Total of “d” to show my Actual Total (6,000) for the three Sites (not the average). I then want to then calculate "e" as c/d.
Any thoughts on how to best put this together would be appreciated.</SPAN>