Hi, I'm working on a pivot table that gives me the average sales$ per adjustor for each branch within a Region. I created a pivot table that has the region as the row field, the month as a column field, Sales and # of salesmen as the value fields and a calculated field the calculates the Sales/# of Salesmen.
The issue I'm having is that I would like to add another calculated field that would show the Sales goal/ Salesmen. Each Region has different goals:North - $2000, East - $3000, West - $2500, and South - $2300. The problem is that when I enter the formula:
=IF(Region = "North",2000,IF(Region ="East",3000,IF(Region ="West",2500,2300)))
all I get is the 2300.
I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The issue I'm having is that I would like to add another calculated field that would show the Sales goal/ Salesmen. Each Region has different goals:North - $2000, East - $3000, West - $2500, and South - $2300. The problem is that when I enter the formula:
=IF(Region = "North",2000,IF(Region ="East",3000,IF(Region ="West",2500,2300)))
all I get is the 2300.
I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.