Might be overthinking, but have two tables with the following columns below. I just need a pivot or table with the PatientA in the first table and each complication for PatientA in table 2...but it's a many to many. Thank you for any suggestion.
PatientA, DxCode1
PatientA, DxCode2
PatientA, DxCode3
PatientB, DxCode1
PatientB, DxCode2
PatientB, DxCode3
another table with related Students
PatientA, Complication1
PatientA, Complication2
PatientA, DxCode1
PatientA, DxCode2
PatientA, DxCode3
PatientB, DxCode1
PatientB, DxCode2
PatientB, DxCode3
another table with related Students
PatientA, Complication1
PatientA, Complication2