Pick 5 numbers from the 6 groups


Well-known Member
Feb 13, 2008
Office Version
  1. 2010
Using Excel 2010

The macro below creates combinations of 5 numbers out of 1st 4 groups. (Group1, Group 2, Group 3 and Group 4…are shown in yellow)

But now I require modifications so it can create all possible combinations of 5 numbers using 6 groups.... From Group1 to Group6 (including 2 blue groups 5 and 6 also)

Please see the attached example below….

I tried to change (arrData = Range("A2:D4").Value ' Change here) To (arrData = Range("A2:F4").Value ' Change here) but seems it is design to create combinations only from 4 groups.

Please need help to modify the existing VBA; which cam work with present request. I want which can work with Excel version 2000 also.

VBA Code:
Public Sub Five_numbers()


Dim dic As Object
Dim arrData, arrDec
Dim isUni As Boolean
Dim arr, arrB
Dim ID As String
Dim i1&, i2&, i3&, i4&, j&, c&, u&, k&
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
ReDim arrDec(1 To 10000, 1 To 5)
ReDim arr(1 To 5)
arrData = Range("A2:D4").Value ' Change here

u = UBound(arrData, 1)
For i1 = 1 To u
    arr(1) = arrData(i1, 1)
    For i2 = 1 To u
        arr(2) = arrData(i2, 2)
        For i3 = 1 To u
            arr(3) = arrData(i3, 3)
            For i4 = 1 To u
                arr(4) = arrData(i4, 4)
                For c = 1 To 4
                    For j = 1 To u
                        isUni = False
                        Select Case c
                        Case 1
                            If j = i1 Then isUni = True
                        Case 2
                            If j = i2 Then isUni = True
                        Case 3
                            If j = i3 Then isUni = True
                        Case 4
                            If j = i4 Then isUni = True
                        End Select
                            If isUni = False Then
                            arr(5) = arrData(j, c)
                            arrB = Mysort(arr)
                           ID = arrB(1) & "|" & arrB(2) & "|" & arrB(3) & "|" & arrB(4) & "|" & arrB(5)
                            If dic.exists(ID) = False Then
                                k = k + 1
                                dic.Item(ID) = k
                                arrDec(k, 1) = arrB(1)
                                arrDec(k, 2) = arrB(2)
                                arrDec(k, 3) = arrB(3)
                                arrDec(k, 4) = arrB(4)
                                arrDec(k, 5) = arrB(5)
                            End If
                            End If
                    Next j
                Next c
            Next i4
        Next i3
    Next i2
Next i1
Range("G1").Resize(k, 5).Value = arrDec
MsgBox k
End Sub
Function Mysort(ByVal a As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Long, ii As Long, s As Variant
For i = 1 To 4
    For ii = i + 1 To 5
        If a(i) > a(ii) Then
            s = a(i)
            a(i) = a(ii)
            a(ii) = s
        End If
    Next ii
Next i
Mysort = a
End Function

MrExcel Question.xlsm
1Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6G11G12G21G31G41

Thank you.


A bit sketch but does the job!
VBA Code:
Sub combinations()
  Dim items() As Variant
  Dim combLen As Long
  Dim myRange As Range
  Dim itemsLen As Long
  combLen = 5
  itemsLen = (Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row - 1) * Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
  ReDim items(1 To itemsLen)
  i = 1
  For c = 1 To Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    For r = 2 To Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
      items(i) = Cells(r, c)
      i = i + 1

  items = binomial(items, combLen)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  For i = 1 To nChooseK(itemsLen, combLen)
   For j = 1 To combLen
     Cells(i, j).Offset(, 6).Value = items(i, j)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function binomial(ByRef v() As Variant, r As Long) As Variant()
  Dim i As Long, k As Long, z() As Variant, comboMatrix() As Variant
  Dim numRows As Long, numIter As Long, n As Long, count As Long
  count = 1
  n = UBound(v)
  numRows = nChooseK(n, r)
  ReDim z(1 To r)
  ReDim comboMatrix(1 To numRows, 1 To r)
  For i = 1 To r
    z(i) = i
  Do While (count <= numRows)
    numIter = n - z(r) + 1
    For i = 1 To numIter
      For k = 1 To r
        comboMatrix(count, k) = v(z(k))
      count = count + 1
     z(r) = z(r) + 1
    For i = r - 1 To 1 Step -1
      If Not (z(i) = (n - r + i)) Then
        z(i) = z(i) + 1
        For k = (i + 1) To r
          z(k) = z(k - 1) + 1
        Exit For
      End If
  binomial = comboMatrix
End Function
Function nChooseK(n As Long, k As Long) As Long
  Dim temp As Double, i As Long
  temp = 1
  For i = 1 To k
    temp = temp * (n - k + i) / i
  nChooseK = CLng(temp)
End Function
Upvote 0
A bit sketch but does the job!
VBA Code:
Sub combinations()
  Dim items() As Variant
  Dim combLen As Long
  Dim myRange As Range
  Dim itemsLen As Long
  combLen = 5
  itemsLen = (Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row - 1) * Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
  ReDim items(1 To itemsLen)
  i = 1
  For c = 1 To Cells(1, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    For r = 2 To Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
      items(i) = Cells(r, c)
      i = i + 1

  items = binomial(items, combLen)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  For i = 1 To nChooseK(itemsLen, combLen)
   For j = 1 To combLen
     Cells(i, j).Offset(, 6).Value = items(i, j)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function binomial(ByRef v() As Variant, r As Long) As Variant()
  Dim i As Long, k As Long, z() As Variant, comboMatrix() As Variant
  Dim numRows As Long, numIter As Long, n As Long, count As Long
  count = 1
  n = UBound(v)
  numRows = nChooseK(n, r)
  ReDim z(1 To r)
  ReDim comboMatrix(1 To numRows, 1 To r)
  For i = 1 To r
    z(i) = i
  Do While (count <= numRows)
    numIter = n - z(r) + 1
    For i = 1 To numIter
      For k = 1 To r
        comboMatrix(count, k) = v(z(k))
      count = count + 1
     z(r) = z(r) + 1
    For i = r - 1 To 1 Step -1
      If Not (z(i) = (n - r + i)) Then
        z(i) = z(i) + 1
        For k = (i + 1) To r
          z(k) = z(k - 1) + 1
        Exit For
      End If
  binomial = comboMatrix
End Function
Function nChooseK(n As Long, k As Long) As Long
  Dim temp As Double, i As Long
  temp = 1
  For i = 1 To k
    temp = temp * (n - k + i) / i
  nChooseK = CLng(temp)
End Function
Hello Flashbond, really thank you for looking into my request I appreciate your hard work…2 things 1st the macro take time to run some time it freeze excel computer need to shut excel…2nd some time if it has finished to generate all sets I noticed it is picking 3 number from the each group it must pick max 2 from the group as previous macro condition even adding 2 more groups.

Please can you take a look?

My Best Regards,
Upvote 0
ı fyou were hapy with the old macro and your only concern is to extend the range to column F, then this should work:
VBA Code:
Public Sub Five_numbers()


Dim dic As Object
Dim arrData, arrDec
Dim isUni As Boolean
Dim arr, arrB
Dim ID As String
Dim i1&, i2&, i3&, i4&, j&, c&, u&, k&
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
ReDim arrDec(1 To 10000, 1 To 5)
ReDim arr(1 To 5)
arrData = Range("A2:F4").Value ' Change here

u = UBound(arrData, 1)
For i1 = 1 To u
    arr(1) = arrData(i1, 1)
    For i2 = 1 To u
        arr(2) = arrData(i2, 2)
        For i3 = 1 To u
            arr(3) = arrData(i3, 3)
            For i4 = 1 To u
                arr(4) = arrData(i4, 4)
                For c = 1 To 4
                    For j = 1 To u
                        isUni = False
                        Select Case c
                        Case 1
                            If j = i1 Then isUni = True
                        Case 2
                            If j = i2 Then isUni = True
                        Case 3
                            If j = i3 Then isUni = True
                        Case 4
                            If j = i4 Then isUni = True
                        End Select
                            If isUni = False Then
                            arr(5) = arrData(j, c)
                            arrB = Mysort(arr)
                           ID = arrB(1) & "|" & arrB(2) & "|" & arrB(3) & "|" & arrB(4) & "|" & arrB(5)
                            If dic.exists(ID) = False Then
                                k = k + 1
                                dic.Item(ID) = k
                                arrDec(k, 1) = arrB(1)
                                arrDec(k, 2) = arrB(2)
                                arrDec(k, 3) = arrB(3)
                                arrDec(k, 4) = arrB(4)
                                arrDec(k, 5) = arrB(5)
                            End If
                            End If
                    Next j
                Next c
            Next i4
        Next i3
    Next i2
Next i1
Range("G1").Resize(k, 5).Value = arrDec
MsgBox k
End Sub
Function Mysort(ByVal a As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Long, ii As Long, s As Variant
For i = 1 To 4
    For ii = i + 1 To 5
        If a(i) > a(ii) Then
            s = a(i)
            a(i) = a(ii)
            a(ii) = s
        End If
    Next ii
Next i
Mysort = a
End Function
The code has a comment says "Change here" which should be a tip for you to define your range.
Upvote 0
ı fyou were hapy with the old macro and your only concern is to extend the range to column F, then this should work:
VBA Code:
Public Sub Five_numbers()


Dim dic As Object
Dim arrData, arrDec
Dim isUni As Boolean
Dim arr, arrB
Dim ID As String
Dim i1&, i2&, i3&, i4&, j&, c&, u&, k&
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
ReDim arrDec(1 To 10000, 1 To 5)
ReDim arr(1 To 5)


[QUOTE="Flashbond, post: 6059003, member: 143009"]
arrData = Range("A2:F4").Value ' Change here

The code has a comment says "Change here" which should be a tip for you to define your range.

@Phuoc, did resolve my query pick 5 numbers from 4 groups limiting max 2 numbers from any group and rest 3 from other groups. Now I want must be the same conditions but extending 2 more groups “I mean here pick 5 numbers from 6 groups limiting max 2 numbers from any group and rest 3 from other extended groups.” You can see query was solved under below given link.

The code has a comment says "Change here" which should be a tip for you to define your range.

Hello Flashbond, thank you once again regarding I did comment in the opening post it does not work you did change the range but you did not saw it does not pick any numbers from 2 extended groups this macro need a tweaks to work with current ranges with extended 2 groups also.

Please try to create combinations with your change range you will see nothing happens it works in the same way with only 4 groups.

My Best Regards,
Upvote 0
Ok I have tested. It is impossible to check all combinations but this should work. The problem with this code is, it is fast but it doesn't scale well for the needs like you've already mentioned. It will need additional tweaks if you change the column or row size.
VBA Code:
Public Sub Five_numbers()


  Dim dic As Object
  Dim arrData, arrDec
  Dim isUni As Boolean
  Dim arr, arrB
  Dim ID As String
  Dim i1&, i2&, i3&, i4&, i5&, i6&, j&, c&, u&, k&
  Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  ReDim arrDec(1 To 12000, 1 To 5)
  ReDim arr(1 To 7)
  arrData = Range("A2:F4").Value ' Change here

  u = UBound(arrData, 1)
  For i1 = 1 To u
    arr(1) = arrData(i1, 1)
    For i2 = 1 To u
      arr(2) = arrData(i2, 2)
      For i3 = 1 To u
        arr(3) = arrData(i3, 3)
        For i4 = 1 To u
          arr(4) = arrData(i4, 4)
          For i5 = 1 To u
            arr(5) = arrData(i5, 5)
            For i6 = 1 To u
              arr(6) = arrData(i6, 6)
              For c = 1 To 6
                For j = 1 To u
                  isUni = False
                  Select Case c
                  Case 1
                    If j = i1 Then isUni = True
                  Case 2
                    If j = i2 Then isUni = True
                  Case 3
                    If j = i3 Then isUni = True
                   Case 4
                     If j = i4 Then isUni = True
                   End Select
                   If isUni = False Then
                     arr(5) = arrData(j, c)
                     arrB = Mysort(arr)
                     ID = arrB(1) & "|" & arrB(2) & "|" & arrB(3) & "|" & arrB(4) & "|" & arrB(5)
                     If dic.exists(ID) = False Then
                       k = k + 1
                       dic.Item(ID) = k
                       arrDec(k, 1) = arrB(1)
                       arrDec(k, 2) = arrB(2)
                       arrDec(k, 3) = arrB(3)
                       arrDec(k, 4) = arrB(4)
                       arrDec(k, 5) = arrB(5)
                    End If
                  End If
                Next j
              Next c
            Next i6
          Next i5
        Next i4
      Next i3
    Next i2
  Next i1
  Range("G1").Resize(k, 5).Value = arrDec
  MsgBox k
End Sub
Function Mysort(ByVal a As Variant) As Variant
  Dim i As Long, ii As Long, s As Variant
  For i = 1 To 4
    For ii = i + 1 To 5
      If a(i) > a(ii) Then
        s = a(i)
        a(i) = a(ii)
        a(ii) = s
      End If
    Next ii
  Next i
  Mysort = a
End Function
Upvote 0
Ok I have tested. It is impossible to check all combinations but this should work. The problem with this code is, it is fast but it doesn't scale well for the needs like you've already mentioned. It will need additional tweaks if you change the column or row size.
VBA Code:
Public Sub Five_numbers()


  Dim dic As Object
  Dim arrData, arrDec
  Dim isUni As Boolean
  Dim arr, arrB
  Dim ID As String
  Dim i1&, i2&, i3&, i4&, i5&, i6&, j&, c&, u&, k&
  Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  ReDim arrDec(1 To 12000, 1 To 5)
  ReDim arr(1 To 7)
  arrData = Range("A2:F4").Value ' Change here

  u = UBound(arrData, 1)
  For i1 = 1 To u
    arr(1) = arrData(i1, 1)
    For i2 = 1 To u
      arr(2) = arrData(i2, 2)
      For i3 = 1 To u
        arr(3) = arrData(i3, 3)
        For i4 = 1 To u
          arr(4) = arrData(i4, 4)
          For i5 = 1 To u
            arr(5) = arrData(i5, 5)
            For i6 = 1 To u
              arr(6) = arrData(i6, 6)
              For c = 1 To 6
                For j = 1 To u
                  isUni = False
                  Select Case c
                  Case 1
                    If j = i1 Then isUni = True
                  Case 2
                    If j = i2 Then isUni = True
                  Case 3
                    If j = i3 Then isUni = True
                   Case 4
                     If j = i4 Then isUni = True
                   End Select
                   If isUni = False Then
                     arr(5) = arrData(j, c)
                     arrB = Mysort(arr)
                     ID = arrB(1) & "|" & arrB(2) & "|" & arrB(3) & "|" & arrB(4) & "|" & arrB(5)
                     If dic.exists(ID) = False Then
                       k = k + 1
                       dic.Item(ID) = k
                       arrDec(k, 1) = arrB(1)
                       arrDec(k, 2) = arrB(2)
                       arrDec(k, 3) = arrB(3)
                       arrDec(k, 4) = arrB(4)
                       arrDec(k, 5) = arrB(5)
                    End If
                  End If
                Next j
              Next c
            Next i6
          Next i5
        Next i4
      Next i3
    Next i2
  Next i1
  Range("G1").Resize(k, 5).Value = arrDec
  MsgBox k
End Sub
Function Mysort(ByVal a As Variant) As Variant
  Dim i As Long, ii As Long, s As Variant
  For i = 1 To 4
    For ii = i + 1 To 5
      If a(i) > a(ii) Then
        s = a(i)
        a(i) = a(ii)
        a(ii) = s
      End If
    Next ii
  Next i
  Mysort = a
End Function
Hello Flashbond, I am very grateful to you for helping me to solve this now yes it pick number from all groups but does not accomplish conditions to pick strictly only 2 numbers from 1 of each group...Please Check Below output yellow are ok but blue no. It is picking 1 from group.

MrExcel Question.xlsm
1Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6G11G12G21G31G41
Sheet10 (2)

Yes there is no problem to changing output to any columns if it requires getting as I want combinations with set of 5 out of 6 groups with condition pick max only 2 numbers from any groups.

My Best Regards,
Upvote 0
Sorry for that. I am not familiar with this particular code. Try this but I have not tested:
VBA Code:
Public Sub Five_numbers()


  Dim dic As Object
  Dim arrData, arrDec
  Dim isUni As Boolean
  Dim arr, arrB
  Dim ID As String
  Dim i1&, i2&, i3&, i4&, i5&, i6&, j&, c&, u&, k&
  Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  ReDim arrDec(1 To 12000, 1 To 5)
  ReDim arr(1 To 7)
  arrData = Range("A2:F4").Value ' Change here

  u = UBound(arrData, 1)
  For i1 = 1 To u
    arr(1) = arrData(i1, 1)
    For i2 = 1 To u
      arr(2) = arrData(i2, 2)
      For i3 = 1 To u
        arr(3) = arrData(i3, 3)
        For i4 = 1 To u
          arr(4) = arrData(i4, 4)
          For i5 = 1 To u
            arr(5) = arrData(i5, 5)
            For i6 = 1 To u
              arr(6) = arrData(i6, 6)
              For c = 1 To 6
                For j = 1 To u
                  isUni = False
                  Select Case c
                  Case 1
                    If j = i1 Then isUni = True
                  Case 2
                    If j = i2 Then isUni = True
                  Case 3
                    If j = i3 Then isUni = True
                   Case 4
                     If j = i4 Then isUni = True
                   Case 5
                     If j = i5 Then isUni = True
                   Case 6
                     If j = i6 Then isUni = True
                   End Select
                   If isUni = False Then
                     arr(7) = arrData(j, c)
                     arrB = Mysort(arr)
                     ID = arrB(1) & "|" & arrB(2) & "|" & arrB(3) & "|" & arrB(4) & "|" & arrB(5)
                     If dic.exists(ID) = False Then
                       k = k + 1
                       dic.Item(ID) = k
                       arrDec(k, 1) = arrB(1)
                       arrDec(k, 2) = arrB(2)
                       arrDec(k, 3) = arrB(3)
                       arrDec(k, 4) = arrB(4)
                       arrDec(k, 5) = arrB(5)
                    End If
                  End If
                Next j
              Next c
            Next i6
          Next i5
        Next i4
      Next i3
    Next i2
  Next i1
  Range("G1").Resize(k, 5).Value = arrDec
  MsgBox k
End Sub
Function Mysort(ByVal a As Variant) As Variant
  Dim i As Long, ii As Long, s As Variant
  For i = 1 To 4
    For ii = i + 1 To 5
      If a(i) > a(ii) Then
        s = a(i)
        a(i) = a(ii)
        a(ii) = s
      End If
    Next ii
  Next i
  Mysort = a
End Function
Upvote 0
Sorry for that. I am not familiar with this particular code. Try this but I have not tested:
VBA Code:
Public Sub Five_numbers()


  Dim dic As Object
  Dim arrData, arrDec
  Dim isUni As Boolean
  Dim arr, arrB
  Dim ID As String
  Dim i1&, i2&, i3&, i4&, i5&, i6&, j&, c&, u&, k&
  Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  ReDim arrDec(1 To 12000, 1 To 5)
  ReDim arr(1 To 7)
  arrData = Range("A2:F4").Value ' Change here

  u = UBound(arrData, 1)
  For i1 = 1 To u
    arr(1) = arrData(i1, 1)
    For i2 = 1 To u
      arr(2) = arrData(i2, 2)
      For i3 = 1 To u
        arr(3) = arrData(i3, 3)
        For i4 = 1 To u
          arr(4) = arrData(i4, 4)
          For i5 = 1 To u
            arr(5) = arrData(i5, 5)
            For i6 = 1 To u
              arr(6) = arrData(i6, 6)
              For c = 1 To 6
                For j = 1 To u
                  isUni = False
                  Select Case c
                  Case 1
                    If j = i1 Then isUni = True
                  Case 2
                    If j = i2 Then isUni = True
                  Case 3
                    If j = i3 Then isUni = True
                   Case 4
                     If j = i4 Then isUni = True
                   Case 5
                     If j = i5 Then isUni = True
                   Case 6
                     If j = i6 Then isUni = True
                   End Select
                   If isUni = False Then
                     arr(7) = arrData(j, c)
                     arrB = Mysort(arr)
                     ID = arrB(1) & "|" & arrB(2) & "|" & arrB(3) & "|" & arrB(4) & "|" & arrB(5)
                     If dic.exists(ID) = False Then
                       k = k + 1
                       dic.Item(ID) = k
                       arrDec(k, 1) = arrB(1)
                       arrDec(k, 2) = arrB(2)
                       arrDec(k, 3) = arrB(3)
                       arrDec(k, 4) = arrB(4)
                       arrDec(k, 5) = arrB(5)
                    End If
                  End If
                Next j
              Next c
            Next i6
          Next i5
        Next i4
      Next i3
    Next i2
  Next i1
  Range("G1").Resize(k, 5).Value = arrDec
  MsgBox k
End Sub
Function Mysort(ByVal a As Variant) As Variant
  Dim i As Long, ii As Long, s As Variant
  For i = 1 To 4
    For ii = i + 1 To 5
      If a(i) > a(ii) Then
        s = a(i)
        a(i) = a(ii)
        a(ii) = s
      End If
    Next ii
  Next i
  Mysort = a
End Function
Hello Flashbond, now it is picking 1 number from each group it has to be minimum/maximum 2 numbers from each group.

Please check it. Thank you for your intention to help I do appreciate.

My Best Regards,
Upvote 0
Here find the tested version. All works well:
VBA Code:
Public Sub Five_numbers()


  Dim dic As Object
  Dim arrData, arrDec
  Dim isUni As Boolean
  Dim arr, arrB
  Dim ID As String
  Dim i1&, i2&, i3&, i4&, i5&, i6&, j&, c&, u&, k&
  Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  ReDim arrDec(1 To 12000, 1 To 5)
  ReDim arr(1 To 7)
  arrData = Range("A2:F4").Value ' Change here

  u = UBound(arrData, 1)
  For i1 = 1 To u
    arr(1) = arrData(i1, 1)
    For i2 = 1 To u
      arr(2) = arrData(i2, 2)
      For i3 = 1 To u
        arr(3) = arrData(i3, 3)
        For i4 = 1 To u
          arr(4) = arrData(i4, 4)
          For i5 = 1 To u
            arr(5) = arrData(i5, 5)
            For i6 = 1 To u
              arr(6) = arrData(i6, 6)
              For c = 1 To 6
                For j = 1 To u
                  isUni = False
                  Select Case c
                  Case 1
                    If j = i1 Then isUni = True
                  Case 2
                    If j = i2 Then isUni = True
                  Case 3
                    If j = i3 Then isUni = True
                  Case 4
                    If j = i4 Then isUni = True
                  Case 5
                    If j = i5 Then isUni = True
                  Case 6
                    If j = i6 Then isUni = True
                  End Select
                  If isUni = False Then
                    arr(7) = arrData(j, c)
                    arrB = Mysort(arr)
                    ID = arrB(1) & "|" & arrB(2) & "|" & arrB(3) & "|" & arrB(4) & "|" & arrB(5) & "|" & arrB(6) & "|" & arrB(7)
                    If dic.exists(ID) = False Then
                      k = k + 1
                      dic.Item(ID) = k
                      arrDec(k, 1) = arrB(1)
                      arrDec(k, 2) = arrB(2)
                      arrDec(k, 3) = arrB(3)
                      arrDec(k, 4) = arrB(4)
                      arrDec(k, 5) = arrB(5)
                      arrDec(k, 4) = arrB(6)
                      arrDec(k, 5) = arrB(7)
                    End If
                  End If
                Next j
              Next c
            Next i6
          Next i5
        Next i4
      Next i3
    Next i2
  Next i1
  Range("G1").Resize(k, 5).Value = arrDec
  MsgBox k
End Sub
Function Mysort(ByVal a As Variant) As Variant
  Dim i As Long, ii As Long, s As Variant
  For i = 1 To 4
    For ii = i + 1 To 7
      If a(i) > a(ii) Then
        s = a(i)
        a(i) = a(ii)
        a(ii) = s
      End If
    Next ii
  Next i
  Mysort = a
End Function
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