A colleague of mine is currently having an issue with their Personal.XLSB file which is used to contain many macros that are frequently updated.
When they open Excel (2007) the Personal.XLSB file is loaded from the directory:
C:\Program Files\Miscrosoft Office\Office 12\XLSSTART and they can see their Macros.
However, if/when they update a macro, close Excel and save the changes to the Personal.XLSB file when prompted these changes are saved to a version of the file in the directory:
So when they come to open Excel next the Personal.XSLB that's loaded is the one from Program Files and not the most up to date one from the AppData version of the file. Essentially, somehow, sometime recently these files 'branched' and it now means my colleague cannot save any updates to any Macros. I've tried deleting one and/or both of the existing Personal.XLSB files in various combinations and to get Excel to 'reset' somehow, but with no joy at all.
I would appreciate any help anyone can give to correct this so that the Personal.XSLB file loaded upon Excel startup is the same one that's saved to when closing Excel.
When they open Excel (2007) the Personal.XLSB file is loaded from the directory:
C:\Program Files\Miscrosoft Office\Office 12\XLSSTART and they can see their Macros.
However, if/when they update a macro, close Excel and save the changes to the Personal.XLSB file when prompted these changes are saved to a version of the file in the directory:
So when they come to open Excel next the Personal.XSLB that's loaded is the one from Program Files and not the most up to date one from the AppData version of the file. Essentially, somehow, sometime recently these files 'branched' and it now means my colleague cannot save any updates to any Macros. I've tried deleting one and/or both of the existing Personal.XLSB files in various combinations and to get Excel to 'reset' somehow, but with no joy at all.
I would appreciate any help anyone can give to correct this so that the Personal.XSLB file loaded upon Excel startup is the same one that's saved to when closing Excel.