I am in the process of creating a personalized budget (Office 365). I am using the following formula that works perfectly. I am planning on using this budget for the foreseeable future. How will I make provision for 2024 leap year?
[=SUMIFS('Details 2022'!$D$2:$D$2001,'Details 2022'!$A$2:$A$2001,">="&DATE(YEAR(C$2),MONTH(C$2),1),'Details 2022'!$A$2:$A$2001,"<="&DATE(YEAR(C$2),MONTH(C$2),29), 'Details 2022'!$B$2:$B$2001,$A$13)]
D:D - sum range;
A:A - date range;
B2-M2: Jan through Dec using EDATE;
When I put the date range 2022,2,1 and 2022,2,29, this does not work. If I leave it at 2022,2,28 it works fine. Thank you in advance
I am in the process of creating a personalized budget (Office 365). I am using the following formula that works perfectly. I am planning on using this budget for the foreseeable future. How will I make provision for 2024 leap year?
[=SUMIFS('Details 2022'!$D$2:$D$2001,'Details 2022'!$A$2:$A$2001,">="&DATE(YEAR(C$2),MONTH(C$2),1),'Details 2022'!$A$2:$A$2001,"<="&DATE(YEAR(C$2),MONTH(C$2),29), 'Details 2022'!$B$2:$B$2001,$A$13)]
D:D - sum range;
A:A - date range;
B2-M2: Jan through Dec using EDATE;
When I put the date range 2022,2,1 and 2022,2,29, this does not work. If I leave it at 2022,2,28 it works fine. Thank you in advance