Hello everyone!
I have a scoring sheet that has a answer key of either: Yes, No, N/A. At the bottom it automatically calculates all of the Yes answers and it will give them a score. To get a 100% score you must get 53 Yes's. What i'm trying to create is if N/A is put into the cell the percentage formula will recognize that and it will change the perfect score from 53 and shorten it to however many N/A cells there are. Any help would be fantastic. Thank you!

I have a scoring sheet that has a answer key of either: Yes, No, N/A. At the bottom it automatically calculates all of the Yes answers and it will give them a score. To get a 100% score you must get 53 Yes's. What i'm trying to create is if N/A is put into the cell the percentage formula will recognize that and it will change the perfect score from 53 and shorten it to however many N/A cells there are. Any help would be fantastic. Thank you!