As powerful as EXCEL is, I am hard put to believe that there is no way to have a macro pause, wait for user input (ended with a carriage return [the ENTER key for you young pups]), then continue the macro.
Simply put, I want the macro to select a cell, wait for input and an [ENTER] then continue the macro from that point. It was so simple in Lotus and Quattro by the use of a (?) in the macro. I've seen many responses elsewhere that it is not possible, but it seems to me to be a very basic function which should not have been left out.
Is there really no way to do this in an Excel macro without seemingly hundreds of lines of code?
Thanks for any input-
-- Doc
Simply put, I want the macro to select a cell, wait for input and an [ENTER] then continue the macro from that point. It was so simple in Lotus and Quattro by the use of a (?) in the macro. I've seen many responses elsewhere that it is not possible, but it seems to me to be a very basic function which should not have been left out.
Is there really no way to do this in an Excel macro without seemingly hundreds of lines of code?
Thanks for any input-
-- Doc
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