Overcome A 'BeforeUpdate' trigger when there is nothing to update?


Well-known Member
Mar 23, 2004
Office Version
  1. 365
  2. 2016
  1. Windows
I've run into a problem that I hope someone can provide some advice on to resolve.

I have a user form with two textboxes, cu2_start and cu2_end. Normally, these textboxes are filled as part of the userform's initialization procedure. Code associated with a 'BeforeUpdate' trigger of cu2_start will update the value in cu2_end automatically. This change to cu2_end triggers it's 'BeforeUpdate' which all works flawlessly when these two fields had been initially populated.

However, on rare occassion these two fields are empty during initialization. The user enters a value into cu2_start, triggers it's 'BeforeUpdate' code and as a result cu2_end populates. Since cu2_end hadn't a value to update, the 'BeforeUpdate' code fails to trigger, so a good chunk of procedure is missed.
I feel one way I can eliminate the problem is to populate empty fields with ain insignificant character and change the forecolor to make it appear empty so that there is a value to update. But, being an afterthought, it will take a lot of effort. I've favouring some method that I may not even be aware of that maybe the expereinced folk know of.
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Hi Silentwolf ... unless i did something wrong, I'm not getting any different results with your suggestion. :-(
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can you post the code of how the initialize event of the userform and the afterupdate event or what you have at present?
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Hi Fluff, the only problem with a change event, is in those instances that the user wants to change a value currently popuating cu_end. With the first keystroke, the code is triggered, as opposed to when the user has completely typed their entry.

Here is the code which initially populates the series of "_start" and "_end" textboxes. (the "cu2" was just one of a series that I used as an example).
Sub uf9c_ok1()
    Dim i
    Dim crew1, mno, ini As String
    Dim arrCtrls
    Dim fnd_row, fnd_trow, ref_row As Integer
    Dim ws_wstofnd As Worksheet
    Dim empno
    If uf9_poststaff.mp1_cupe.Value = True Then 'CUPE PAGE
        uf9_poststaff.MultiPage1.Value = 1
    ElseIf uf9_poststaff.mp1_student.Value = True Then 'STUDENT PAGE
        uf9_poststaff.MultiPage1.Value = 2
    ElseIf uf9_poststaff.mp1_wloopk.Value = True Then 'STUDENT PAGE
        uf9_poststaff.MultiPage1.Value = 3
    ElseIf uf9_poststaff.mp1_trim.Value = True Then 'STUDENT PAGE
        uf9_poststaff.MultiPage1.Value = 4
    Else 'MAIN PAGE
        uf9_poststaff.MultiPage1.Value = 0
    End If
    With uf9_poststaff
        .MultiPage1.Width = 408
        If uf9_poststaff.mp1_cupe.Value = True Then 'CUPE PAGE
            arrCtrls = Array("CU1", "CU2", "CUA", "CUB", "CUC", "CUD", "CUE", "CUF", "CU7", "CU6", "CU5", "CU4", "CU8", "WPRK1", "WBLVD1")
        ElseIf uf9_poststaff.mp1_student.Value = True Then 'SPORTS PAGE
            arrCtrls = Array("FLD1A", "FLD1B", "FLD2A", "FLD2B", "BPA", "BPB", "BPC", "HPA", "HPB", "HPC", "WPA", "WPB", "WPC", "RPA", "RPB", "RPC")
        ElseIf uf9_poststaff.mp1_wloopk.Value = True Then 'WLOOPK PAGE
            arrCtrls = Array("ZOO1A", "ZOO1B", "ZOO2A", "ZOO2B", "SEA", "SEB", "SEC", "PTA", "PTB", "PTC", "PTD")
        ElseIf uf9_poststaff.mp1_trim.Value = True Then 'TRIM PAGE
            arrCtrls = Array("WPRKA", "WPRKB", "WBLVDA", "WBLVDB")
        End If
        For i = LBound(arrCtrls) To UBound(arrCtrls)
            crew1 = arrCtrls(i)
            fnd_row = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(crew1, ws_rstr.Columns(7), 0)
            empno = ws_rstr.Cells(fnd_row, 1)
            mno = ws_rstr.Cells(fnd_row, 5)
            If empno = "0" Then
                fnd_trow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(arrCtrls(i), ws_psfront.Columns(8), 0)
                fnd_trow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(empno, ws_psfront.Columns(5), 0)
            End If
            ini = ws_psfront.Cells(fnd_trow, 10)

            wstofnd = Format(empno, "00000") & "  " & ini
            Set ws_wstofnd = wb_pstaff.Worksheets(wstofnd)
            Debug.Print ws_wstofnd.Name
            With ws_wstofnd
                ref_row = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(usd), .Columns(2), 0)
            End With
            With uf9_poststaff
                .Controls(crew1 & "_en").Caption = Format(empno, "00000")
                .Controls(crew1 & "_name").Value = mno
                .Controls(crew1 & "_start").Value = Format(ws_wstofnd.Cells(ref_row, 3), "h:mm am/pm")
                .Controls(crew1 & "_startbu").Value = Format(ws_wstofnd.Cells(ref_row, 3), "h:mm am/pm")
                .Controls(crew1 & "_end").Value = Format(ws_wstofnd.Cells(ref_row, 4), "h:mm am/pm")
                .Controls(crew1 & "_endbu").Value = Format(ws_wstofnd.Cells(ref_row, 3), "h:mm am/pm")
                .Controls(crew1 & "_hours").Value = Format(ws_wstofnd.Cells(ref_row, 5), "0.00")
                .Controls(crew1 & "_notes").Value = ws_wstofnd.Cells(ref_row, 7)
                .Controls(crew1 & "_notesbu").Value = ws_wstofnd.Cells(ref_row, 7)
                If Not IsNumeric(ws_wstofnd.Cells(ref_row, 8)) = True Then
                    .Controls(crew1 & "_en").BackColor = RGB(51, 204, 51)
                    .Controls(crew1 & "_start").Locked = True
                    .Controls(crew1 & "_end").Locked = True
                    .Controls(crew1 & "_notes").Locked = True
                    allgreen = allgreen + 1
                    '.tb_allgreen.Value = allgreen
                    If .MultiPage1.Value = 1 Then
                        cupegreen = cupegreen + 1
                        .tb_cupegreen.Value = cupegreen
                        .tb_allgreen1.Value = allgreen
                    ElseIf .MultiPage1.Value = 2 Then
                        sportsgreen = sportsgreen + 1
                        .tb_sportsgreen.Value = sportsgreen
                        .tb_allgreen2.Value = allgreen
                    ElseIf .MultiPage1.Value = 3 Then
                        wloopkgreen = wloopkgreen + 1
                        .tb_wloopkgreen.Value = wloopkgreen
                        .tb_allgreen3.Value = allgreen
                    ElseIf .MultiPage1.Value = 4 Then
                        trimgreen = trimgreen + 1
                        .tb_trimgreen.Value = trimgreen
                        .tb_allgreen4.Value = allgreen
                    End If
                End If
            End With
        Next i
    End With
    With uf9_poststaff
        .Label807.Visible = False
        .Label834.Visible = True
        .todaysdate.Visible = False
        .processdate.Visible = True
        .processdate.Value = Format(usd, "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy")
    End With
    Unload uf9c_idate
    MsgBox "Always make changes to the shift START times (if applicable) before" & Chr(13) & "making changes to the shift END times." & Chr(13) & "To mark an absence, enter the same shift START time" & Chr(13) & "into the shift END time.", vbInformation, "NOTICE"

End Sub

The code when the user changes an existing value or enters a value into a blank "_start" textbox.
Private Sub cu2_start_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    hfg = "cu2"
    c22_start hfg
End Sub

Sub c22_start(ByVal hfg As String)

    If Not mbevents Then Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo badtime
    mbevents = False
    With uf9_poststaff
        .Controls(hfg & "_start").Value = Format(.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value, "h:mm am/pm")
        If .Controls(hfg & "_startbu").Value = "" Then
            .Controls(hfg & "_startbu").Value = .Controls(hfg & "_start").Value
        End If
        bu = .Controls(hfg & "_startbu").Value
        stc_cu2 = Format(.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value, "0.00000")
        ts1 = usd + stc_cu2
        etc_cu2 = stc_cu2 + 8 / 24
        .Controls(hfg & "_endbu").Value = etc_cu2
        ts2 = usd + etc_cu2
        .Controls(hfg & "_end").Value = Format(ts2, "h:mm am/pm")

        With .MultiPage1

            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Locked = True
            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Locked = True
            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Locked = True
        End With
    End With
    mbevents = True
    If uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value = "" Then
        C22_End hfg
    End If
    Exit Sub

    errorcap1a = "Invaid time entry. Please retry."
    errorcap1b = "Enter time in 24H format (hh:mm)."
    Cancel = True
    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").SelStart = 0
    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value = Format(bu, "h:mm am/pm")
    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").SelLength = Len(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value)
    mbevents = True

End Sub

The original '_end' (BeforeUpdate") code:
Private Sub cu2_end_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    hfg = "cu2"
    C22_End hfg
End Sub

Sub C22_End(ByVal hfg As String)
    If Not mbevents Then Exit Sub
    On Error GoTo badtime
    stc_cu2 = Format(CDate(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value), "0.00000")
    ts1 = usd + stc_cu2
    etc_cu2 = Format(CDate(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value), "0.00000")
    If etc_cu2 = 0 Or etc_cu2 < 0.125 Then 'if time entered is between midnight and 3:00AM then bump up the date
        usd = usd + 1
    End If
    ts2 = usd + etc_cu2
    ahrs = Format((ts2 - ts1) * 24, "0.00")
    If ts2 < ts1 Then
        errorcap1a = "Invaid time entry. Please retry."
        errorcap1b = "The end of the shift must be after it's start. [" & Format(cu2_start.Value, "h:mm AM/PM") & "]."
        uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value = Format(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_endbu"), "h:mm am/pm")
        mbevents = True
        Exit Sub
        stv2 = ts1 'CDate(Me.Controls(hfg & "_start".Value)
        etv2 = ts2 'CDate(Me.Controls(hfg & "_end".Value)
        eno2 = CLng(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_en").Caption)
        If Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(eno2, ws_rstr.Range("A:F"), 6, False) = "STU" Then
            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_hours").Value = Format(ahrs - 0.5, "0.00")
            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Value = ""
            If ahrs = 8 Then
                uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_hours").Value = Format(ahrs, "0.00")
                uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Value = ""
            ElseIf ahrs < 8 Then 'not enough hours
                hd = 8 - ahrs
                uf9dlb1 = "CUPE employee is deficient of min. 8 hours."
                uf9dlb2 = "Please select from below to account for " & hd & " hours."
                    If absel <> "" Then
                    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & "."
                    bcstin = WorksheetFunction.Index(ws_vh.Range("P11:P19"), WorksheetFunction.Match(absel, ws_vh.Range("Q11:Q19"), 0))
                    bcetin = WorksheetFunction.Index(ws_vh.Range("O11:O19"), WorksheetFunction.Match(absel, ws_vh.Range("Q11:Q19"), 0))
                    If bcetin <> "NPY" Then
                        uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value = bcstin
                        uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
                        uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value = bcetin
                        uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_hours").Value = "8.00"
                        uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_hours").Value = Format(ahrs, "0.00")
                    End If
                    ctv = "OFF"
                    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value = Format(cu2_endbu.Value, "h:mm am/pm")
                    If ts2 = ts1 Then
                        stv2 = CDate(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value)
                        etv2 = CDate(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value)
                        jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
                        uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_hours").Value = Format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "0.00")
                        uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_hours").Value = Format((ts2 - ts1) * 24, "0.00")
                    End If
                    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Value = ""
                End If
            Else        'overtime allocation? If Me.cu3_hours.Value > 8 Then
                hd = ahrs - 8
                uf9dlb3 = "CUPE employee is elligible for overtime."
                uf9dlb4 = "Please select from below to account for " & hd & " hours."
                'Unload uf9d_cupe1ot
                If absel <> "" Then
                    If absel2 = "" Then
                        If hd >= 3 Then
                            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & ". [M]"
                            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & "."
                        End If
                        If hd >= 3 Then
                            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & ". [" & absel2 & "][M]"
                            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Value = "[" & hd & "] hours " & absel & ". [" & absel2 & "]"
                        End If
                    End If
                    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value = Format(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end"), "h:mm am/pm")
                    stv2 = CDate(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value)
                    etv2 = CDate(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value)
                    jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
                    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_hours").Value = Format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "0.00")
                    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value = Format(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_endbu"), "h:mm am/pm")
                    stv2 = CDate(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Value)
                    etv2 = CDate(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value)
                    jt = IIf(etv2 = 0, 1, etv2)
                    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_hours").Value = Format(DateDiff("n", stv2, jt) / 60, "0.00")
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    With uf9_poststaff
        .Controls(hfg & "_en").BackColor = RGB(51, 204, 51)
        allgreen = allgreen + 1
        If allgreen = 46 Then safeexit = True
        With .MultiPage1
            If .Value = 1 Then
                uf9_poststaff.tb_allgreen1.Value = allgreen
                cupegreen = cupegreen + 1
                If cupegreen = 15 Then .uf9_mp1_1_submit.Enabled = True
                uf9_poststaff.tb_cupegreen.Value = cupegreen
            ElseIf .Value = 2 Then
                uf9_poststaff.tb_allgreen2.Value = allgreen
                sportsgreen = sportsgreen + 1
                If sportsgreen = 15 Then .uf9_mp1_2_submit.Enabled = True
                uf9_poststaff.tb_sportsgreen.Value = sportsgreen
            ElseIf .Value = 3 Then
                uf9_poststaff.tb_allgreen3.Value = allgreen
                wloopkgreen = wloopkgreen + 1
                If wloopkgreen = 15 Then .uf9_mp1_3_submit.Enabled = True
                uf9_poststaff.tb_wloopkgreen.Value = wloopkgreen
            ElseIf .Value = 4 Then
                uf9_poststaff.tb_allgreen4.Value = allgreen
                trimgreen = trimgreen + 1
                If trimgreen = 15 Then .uf9_mp1_4_submit.Enabled = True
                uf9_poststaff.tb_trimgreen.Value = trimgreen
            End If
            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_start").Locked = True
            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Locked = True
            uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_notes").Locked = True
        End With
    'update all with submit button rather than individually to maintain original data on EXIT
    'sv = 1 'source value = must update
    'eno = CDbl(cu2_en)
    'cntrls = "cu2"
    'submit_post eno, cntrls, ctv
    End With
Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Number
    errorcap1a = "Invaid time entry. Please retry."
    errorcap1b = "Enter time in 24H format (hh:mm)."
    Cancel = True
    uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_end").Value = Format(uf9_poststaff.Controls(hfg & "_endbu").Value, "hh:mm")
    mbevents = True

End Sub
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Upvote 0
so did you try this

Private Sub cu2_end_AfterUpdate()
        hfg = "cu2"
    C22_End hfg
End Sub
Upvote 0
so did you try this

Private Sub cu2_end_AfterUpdate()
        hfg = "cu2"
    C22_End hfg
End Sub

Yes, but unfortunately didn't work. See post #4 .
I have a breakpoint at this routine and it is never reached when the value is populated into the field through the cu2_start trigger. Same behaviour as with the BeforeUpdate trigger.
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