I have a macro I'm working on in Outlook that tries to attach a dynamic attachment to a set list of people.
Everything works great except when I decided I didn't want to go into the code to change the date every time we enter a new fiscal month. Being in retail, this never coincides with the calendar months. So, I created an excel workbook with dates going through January 2015 to look up off, and give me the fiscal month of whatever today's date is.
I'm having an error when using a function in the macro to go and set variable "currmonth1" to a value in the workbook. The error is:
Compile error:
User-defined type not defined. Error occurs at red, bolded text.
Any assistance is helpful. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Another way I was going to try is setting today's date in the code and doing a vlookup in VBA to return my information.
I have a macro I'm working on in Outlook that tries to attach a dynamic attachment to a set list of people.
Everything works great except when I decided I didn't want to go into the code to change the date every time we enter a new fiscal month. Being in retail, this never coincides with the calendar months. So, I created an excel workbook with dates going through January 2015 to look up off, and give me the fiscal month of whatever today's date is.
I'm having an error when using a function in the macro to go and set variable "currmonth1" to a value in the workbook. The error is:
Compile error:
User-defined type not defined. Error occurs at red, bolded text.
Function openExcel()
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim [B][COLOR=#ff0000]sourceWB As Workbook[/COLOR][/B]
Dim sourceWS As Worksheet
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With xlApp
.Visible = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
strFile = "G:\Financial Planning\2012 Daily Sales\DailySalesMacro.xlsx"
Set sourceWB = Workbooks.Open(strFile, , False, , , , , , , True)
Set sourceWH = sourceWB.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set currmonth1 = sourceWB.sourceWH.Cells(3, 7).Value
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
End Function
Any assistance is helpful. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Another way I was going to try is setting today's date in the code and doing a vlookup in VBA to return my information.