I am writing code to add an attachment that has yesterday's date on the file name, but can't find how I can do this. This file goes out every morning to a distribution list, with yesterday's financial performance.
Here is my current code - everything works wonderfully except the attachment line:
Any guidance on how to address the attachment?
I am writing code to add an attachment that has yesterday's date on the file name, but can't find how I can do this. This file goes out every morning to a distribution list, with yesterday's financial performance.
Here is my current code - everything works wonderfully except the attachment line:
Sub SaveAsDraft()
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objMailMessage As Outlook.MailItem
Dim emlBody, sendTo As String
Dim wkbook As String
Dim currday As String
Dim currmonth As String
Dim ThisDay As Date, PrevDay As Date, ThisDay2 As Date
ThisDay = Format(Now, "mm/dd/yy")
PrevDay = ThisDay - 1
ThisDay2 = Format(Now, "mmddyy")
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objMailMessage = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
'Date stuff
vardate = Format(PrevDay, "mm/dd")
currday = Format(PrevDay, "dddd")
'Current month
currmonth = "July"
sendTo = list1
sendCC = list2
emlBody = " "
With objMailMessage
.To = sendTo
.CC = sendCC
.Attachments.Add ("x:\xxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxx\" & currmonth & "\Daily Sales " & currmonth & " 2012 by Channel_" & ThisDay2 & ".pdf")
.Body = emlBody
.Subject = currmonth & " Daily Sales and Merchandise Margin updated through " & currday & ", " & vardate
End With
End Sub
Any guidance on how to address the attachment?